Dear Glenn,
I am not Mormon, but to judge a group's message and validity soley on it's number of converts is not judging fairly. The Bible talks of this in Mathew 7:14.

Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Cowards
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 10:56:03 EST

THIS is the problem. Mormons see it quite differently doesn't change the
facts that I presented. Mormons deny reality. Mormons are almost
nonexistent compared to Christianity and other world religions.
Mormons deny reality.
To see it differently is see believe a lie. To see it differently is to be
brainwashed. I see this over and over in Mormonism.

> >> If we go by numbers to show fruit, then Mormonism loses. Mormonism has
>> little fruti for its efforts. There are so few Mormons percentage wise as
>> compared to Christianity. So few as compared to Muslims, etc.,
> DAVEH: are looking at it from a different perspective.
> Most LDS folks see it a lot differently.

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