They do and what they mean depend on WHO says them -
Have you seen Farenheit 9/11 yet Lance?  Do you believe it is based
on what is good and true and lovely and of good report?  judyt
From: "Lance Muir"
Izzy:words 'mean' things.
What does THAT mean???????????????????? Izzy


From: Lance Muir
Izzy:There are no christian principles. None, notta, don't exist, el hugeo mistako. Nor, are there christian values or morals.


Lance, You are right. America is not, and never has been officially a Christian nation.  It was just founded by many Christian men, with Christian principles, and that is what makes it so wonderful.  Have you read anything at all about our founders??? Izzy


From:  Lance Muir
Izzy:An aside (I think) America was not, is not and, will never be a 'Christian' nation except in name only. Compare Muslim 'nations'.


From: ShieldsFamily

I wonder how many more Jews (and others) would have died if every Christian refused to fight for them.  Certainly America would still be an English colony if some Christians had not fought for independence here.  Izzy


I wonder how many Jewish lives pacifism would have cost if every Christian in Germany would have taken Paul's words seriously and refused to fight in Hitler's army? Maybe when Paul said to Christians, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world," he meant it. No, Judy, it was Christian militancy that cost the Jews "a lot of lives." Bill


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