Judy:What is Bill's 'erroneous' concept of God's Love? Would you take the time, perhaps drawing on prior posts, to describe it for me (us) so that Bill himself would say "Yup, that's exactly what I believe concerning the nature of God's Love"?
It would appear that many, if not all, of us will be around for some time.This being so such a clarification might move the 'conversation' forward out of the present 'stalled' position
between Bill and yourself.  
----- Original Message -----
Sent: July 19, 2004 09:19
Subject: [TruthTalk] God Hates

Judy: I see the humor Lance but why the games?
My answer is not evasive; what I state below is that Bill has an erroneous concept of God's Love and I give scriptural grounds showing  why I believe this to be so.  Bill rejects what I wrote which tells me that he is closed to anything outside of the doctrine he has embraced. His one line response putting the onus back on me is the real evasion.  judyt
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy:Did you understand the 'corner' post to contain humor?
Ans:Why yes Lance, of course I did.
Judy:Now that I'm freed from this 'corner' threat, let me commence answering Bill's questions in a non-evasive manner.
Lance:How thoughtful and considerate of you, Judy.
We all look forward to hearing as they were good and important questions posed by the 'sainted one' .
From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy: Bill is 'disciplining' you. Please sit in the corner facing the wall.
When you recognize (through reading Bill's questions and, your failure to answer them)
what you've done please correct it (by answering his questions directly and, with some
specificity). After this 'penance' you may leave the corner and, join the others.
Remember Judy, the corner awaits should you continue this evasive behavior. 
Judy: Thank you Lance for this clarification.  I was under the illusion that TT was a list for dialogue (discussion among equals since we are all brethren and have one Master). Bill's motivation for being here must be to teach.  I had an English professor once who told us that he was "god" of his classroom and he acted like it, everyone cowtowed for a good grade.  Looks as though I'm going to flunk this one :)  judyt
From: Wm. Taylor
Judy, when you answer my questions I will get back to you. Until then, this conversation is over.
From: "Wm. Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
BT wrote: Are you the kind of mother who would say "I'll love you if and only if you do your chores, and your homework, and eat all your vegetables"? Assuming you're not, Do you think it would be wrong if you were? I do.

jt responded: To love a child is to discipline a child. God says that an undisciplined child is an unloved child.

Bill > Nice spin, Judy. But it hardly addresses the point. Let me ask the question a different way. Let's say you had told your kids (or your grandchildren) to do their chores, their homework, and to eat all their vegetables. Would you stop loving them if they did not? Let's say they did not do these things, and this in spite of knowing how important they are to you, would you hate them because they disobeyed you? I'm sure you may discipline them if they didn't do what they were told, as well you should, but does this make your love conditional? Do this or I will not love you, but I will discipline you. That doesn't make much sense to me.
jt: They would be disciplined for outright disobedience and rebellion. I understand that some people in this day of instant gratification interpret discipline as rejection rather than love and because of parental opposition proper discipline has been banished from our public schools (here anyway).  Rebellion and disrespect will always cause a breach and put an end to any kind of meaningful relationship between children and parents and between God and his creation.

BT wrote: But from where does this right sense come if not from God? Why should it be wrong for us to place conditions upon our love if this is how God enacts his love for us?
jt: God's love is and has always been conditional even though theology causes some to deny this fact. These are the ones with private interpretations who dismiss or ignore the ifs, ands, and buts, of scripture, Love is a two way street or else there is a breach.

Bill  >  I've heard this saying many times, Judy. But I do not believe it. A relationship is a two way street. A loving relationship is the heart of God. But love itself is not dependent upon reciprocation.
jt: The wisdom of God speaks as follows:
"I love those who love me, and those who seek me early and diligently shall find me" (Proverbs 8:17)
"Therefore the Lord the God of Israel says, "I did promise that your house and that of your father (fore-father Aaron) should go in and out before Me for ever. But now the Lord says "Be it far from Me; for those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed." (1 Samuel 2:30)
"Because He has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name (has a personal knowledge of My mercy, love and kindness, trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never forsake him, no never). He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him My salvation" (Psalm 91:14)
"The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who (really) loves Me, and whoever (really) loves me will be loved by My Father. And I (too) will love him and will show (reveal manifest) Myself to him - I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him" (John 14:21)
BT: How could it be? we are to love our enemies. We do not tell them we will love them if and only if they will love us in return. Jesus says we are to love them, not expecting anything in return (cf Luke 6.35). This does not sound to me like something that is a two way street. Quite the opposite, in fact. And is God any different?
jt: No God is not different, He causes it to rain upon both the just and the unjust; He provides for us all and everyone is given a measure of time to get it together. However, until we repent and turn from darkness to light we have no fellowship with Him or with his people (those who are walking in the light) and His blood in this case does not not avail for us.  All embracing fleshly compassion is light years away from the love of God.  There is a difference.
BT: Paul says that God demonstrated his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, and that it was while we were enemies with him that he reconciled us through the death of his son (cf Rom 5.8,10). Love suffers long, and it does not seek its own. It bears all things. There is nothing that has to be two way about any of this -- not at least that I can tell. How about you?
jt: Anyone who loves and obeys God and is living in this old world of sin and shame for very long will have plenty of opportunity to suffer long and bear all things if they are going to keep their heart with all diligence staying away from sin themselves.

BT: I don't know, Judy; I think maybe you've been duped by some of that philosophy you don't read.
jt: You are the one who knows and can evaluate the philosophy Bill, but remember satan is the great imitater. God has given parents the responsibility to train a child in the way he should go so that he is able to love God, himself and others.
And God Himself sets the example. Scripture says that without discipline (which is painful) one is a bastard and not a child of His. (Hebrews 12:8)
BT wrote: God's love is unconditional. He loved us before we loved him. Did you get that? -- Does this not indicate that he also loved us before we were meeting any of his requirements?
jt responded: He loved mankind enough to allow His only begotten son to become a sacrifice for us, however, this is not carte blanche nepotism. Sin makes a breach that causes God to not only hide his face from us - but to allow the curse to light because of our transgression - this is divine justice -  What do you do with that?

Bill  >   I don't really know what to do with it, Judy: Where did you get it? I am pretty confident of this: the curtain has been torn from top to bottom; God is no longer hiding his face; our sins have been removed as far as the east is from the west; God remembers them no more; God in Christ reconciled the world to himself. Does this have anything to do with that?
jt: Have you thrown out everything on the other side of Calvary Bill?  These things were written for our learning and God has not changed.  He is still the same Holy and Righteous God who struck terror into the hearts of the Israelites when He met with Moses on Mt.Sinai and said that noone but Moses was to approach Him.  He is just as Holy and hates sin just as much today as He did then.  So until we repent and willingly part with them our sins have not gone anywhere. We are deceiving ourselves. We can not barge into the throne room clutching them in one hand and our doctrinal statement in the other.  We come to the sacrifice in time of need humbly with a repentant heart because the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God who does not change says: "But this is the man to whom I will look and have regard, he who is humble and of a broken or wounded spirit, and who trembles at My word and reveres My commands. (The acts of the hypocrite's worship are as abominable to God as if they were offered to idols). (Isa 66:2,3a).  God made the ultimate sacrifice by faith and your faith statement above is potentially true but - as they say "Let's get real" the world (so far) is not reconciled to God, (not yet anyway), and there is nothing at all wrong with His memory.
Grace and Peace,

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