Judy:Ouch!! I'm just speculating but, as Archie would've asked: 'Was that a shot?'
----- Original Message -----
Sent: July 20, 2004 14:35
Subject: [TruthTalk] God Hates

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Iz/Bill et al:May I SPECULATE on this??
jt: Guess so Lance, you've been speculating on everything else all morning haven't you?:)
Everyone who 'opts out' of their inclusion is guilty of this. (At the guaranteed risk of forthcoming censure, let me suggest the scene in 'Angel Eyes" where JLo attempts reconciliation with her father but, he will have none of it.) For the movie 'haters' just read the first part of this communique.

From: Wm. Taylor
Legal repentance says: “Repent, and if you repent you will be forgiven,” as if God is persuaded into being merciful by our acts of repentance.
Izzy writes: No, God gave us these conditions. Jesus said in Luke 13:3 AND 13:5: 3  "I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Here our forgiveness is conditional upon our deeds of obedience.
jt: Sure is or the axe will be layed to the root of the tree.  Non fruit bearing branches are cut off as dead wood. To be carnally minded is death.  judyt

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