In a message dated 10/19/2004 5:45:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I am afraid you didnât address any of the points I made below.  One:  Torah and Logos are not equivalents; one is a Person, one a thing, a pointer to a Person.  Two:  One is eternal, the other is not.  You believe that Torah is still in effect.  I believe that the Word is still in effect.  When I face our heavenly Father I want to say I gave primacy to His Son, not His law.  Again they are not equivalents.  My theology is not medieval.  Perhaps you read my posts too fast.  Already today you accused me of being Hellenized and after a re-read realized that I was being far more Hebraic.  Your grasp of historical theology seems to be limited.  My theology is actually called Nicene.  It is the theology formed by the early Christians as God impressed upon them Who His Son was.  Truth does not need to line up with doctrine; it needs to line up with the Word of God (Captial W = Jesus).  Hence, when the Pharisees noticed that Jesus did not line up with doctrine and accused Him they were wrong.  You are wrong as well.  As I said in one of our first emails today our biggest disagreement is that you believe primacy should be placed on the Torah.  I believe, along with scripture and orthodox Christianity, that primacy is to be placed on Christ.  I hope you do not run from this but I suppose you will.  I am learning that in these discussions one rarely wants to submit what others are saying to Jesus Christ; rather, we like to submit them to our own framework which we are convinced rests upon the Bible.  If it fails this test we throw it out.  I am guilty of this at least 3 or 4 times a day.  When I had to begin my theology anew I had to place all my loved doctrines in light of Who Jesus Christ is.  This is a continual process for me.  It is so easy to fall back to practicing religion instead of following Christ.






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