Paul as well. Acts 28:17
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
Sent: Wednesday, 20 October, 2004 08.47
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] What is sin?

Your original observation was not about the fall of mankind Jonathan, your statement was
the the only one who had ever kept the commandments was Jesus himself which was false. judyt
Actually this is how it went:
There has only been one person who ever obeyed the Torah of God: Jesus Christ. 
jt: False...There is the rich young ruler who said (referring to the Commandments) "all these have I kept from my youth up" and Jesus did not confront him and call him a liar. (Luke 18:21)
And as Kay points out there are also the parents of John the Baptist and I'm sure others if we really searched....
Now who is it who will never admit they are in error????


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