But what if the person dies in his/her unforgiveness? Would he or she end up in heaven, hell or somewhere in between?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Death, Destruction, and Hell

Hi again Caroline:
I say yes - that is, salvation is walking in forgiveness toward others because when we will not forgive them God is unwilling to forgive us.  Reaping what one sows is a scriptural principle.  Resentment leads to bitterness and a root of bitterness springing up defiles many.  I don't see Paul's gospel as different from that of Christ - it's all grace by way of faith which is the gift of God so none of it depends on us alone but we must cooperate and do things God's way. As for purgatory - that is a RC invention and is not scriptural at all.  The Matt 18 person is imprisoned by the powers of darkness and stays there until he is willing to repent of unforgiveness and forgive the one sinning against him.  jt

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