Early this afternoon it was wonderfully warm and sunny outside and I wanted to walk my Sheltie, Lacey, to Forest Park about a mile from here as I do most nice days, for her “Bark in the Park”.  However I wavered and decided that, since they were forecasting rain this afternoon, I should hurry and do my grocery shopping first, and then come home and try to squeeze in the walk before the clouds rolled in.  So I did. 


On the way home from the grocery store I heard on the radio that a car had gone wildly out of control and flew into the Union/Lindell entrance of Forest Park at a very high rate of speed.  It just missed the large statue at the entrance, flew over a lagoon and smashed headfirst into a large tree, killing one occupant and injuring two others. 


After getting home I took Lacey there and looked at the crash site.  Emergency vehicles still filled the streets, police were taking photos, and yellow tape marked off the entrance where Lacey and I always enter and begin our walk, right along the same side of the statue where the car charged past it.  And there, where Lacey likes to run and bark, was the car---so severely smashed that the entire front of it was nearly missing. 


Earlier this morning as I prayed in the sunroom I told the Lord I’ve been enduring so much adversity lately that I wondered if He is just chastising me for my own good, or if I am just so displeasing to Him that I have no hope of ever getting back underneath His protective wings of blessings.  I asked Him, if that were true, if He would just forgive me and take me to be with Him today.  Then I left it in His hands…and went to the grocery store. 


As I stared at the path that I could so easily have taken at the moment that car hurtled into Forest Park today I decided that God is still protecting me in more ways than I can comprehend.  And I suspect that is true of all of us.  




Prov 3: 5Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

   6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


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