On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 18:31:51 -0600 "Caroline Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:   Hi Judy;
I'll respond to the first part later...
God is not evil. He does not create evil. He can not do evil.
jt: I agree that God is holy, just, and righteous. I am not calling Him evil.  However, He is the Creator of ALL things which would have to include evil.
He is also the Judge and it is He who determines just how far the powers of darkness can go. Ultimately He is responsible. If He is willing to take responsibility, they why are you trying to shield Him?
I'm not an expert of Hebrew but the people who gave us the modern translations are.
Are they?  Upon what basis do you make this claim Caroline?
KJV is great considering it was written in the early 1600s. The group of men (more than 50) were the best scholars England had at that time and they were commisioned to make the best english bible possible because the other English bibles available at that time were flawed. The KJV was revised a few times after it's completion in 1611 and it was THE English bible for centuries.
Yes, and the KJV is still the best English Bible
A need for a new one arose when we discovered older Greek bibles. We also have better ancient Greek and Hebrew knowledge than the scholars working in 1600s. Some words didn't mean what they thought it meant! The NKJV (1979-82) takes into account both the earlier texts and the translators greater knowledge of Greek and Hebrew.  
The Gk and Heb languages have not changed since 1611 and all the newer versions have done is delete words and make some surface word changes.
Judy, the bible is invaluable because it tells us about God and people's encounters with Him. It is not God. The Trinity is not Father, Son and Holy Bible.
The Trinity is not named anywhere in scripture - the Godhead is which consists of the Father, The Word, and the Holy Spirit.  Scripture should be God's Word although this is also doubtful with the advent of newer versions; it's more like they contain some of God's Word which is kind of scary since we will be judged by it in the last day.
It's okay to look at other versions and see how other translators rendered the phrase. Inerrancy refers only to the autographs, the original writing. It is very possible for translations to contain errors. Even the KJV was revised a couple of times before the really big revision that turned it into the NKJV.
I've looked at them all Caroline and the more I look the better my old KJV looks to me; are you aware that the NIV is missing 64,000 words and that this translation changes the meaning of many passages?.  Romans 8:2 is a good example; the second part of that verse is missing entirely so ppl can get the idea that there is no condemnation whether or not they walk after the Spirit which is definitely not so....

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