I believe it was GKChesterton who used the 'wax nose' metaphor ('The interpretation of any text depends to a large extent on the kind of commitment we have to its content'). I believe that you Dave, along with the rest of us continue to exhibit the aptness of the figure of speech..
----- Original Message -----
Sent: April 05, 2005 02:18
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] TruthTalk] Eternal Judgment

Debbie Sawczak wrote:
Hi Dave, welcome back.
DAVEH:  Thanx Debbie.  Sin City is a tough place to spend a few days.   May I suggest that a lessor man (such as John, perhaps) may have succumbed while I was able to withstand the brutal forces trying to suck money out of my pocket....    ;-)
You are right about Jesus being the cornerstone in that passage. But in any case the cornerstone is part of the foundation and doesn't lay itself. Elsewhere Christ is called the foundation (1 Cor 3:11, the verse that was in my head) but not in the same sense, since Paul is laying it.
DAVEH:  I understand.  And I certainly agree.....Jesus is certainly the foundation of the gospel and the basis of our faith.  Without him....we are nothing....lost at best.
What I was trying to get across, rather ineptly perhaps, was that the relationship of Christ to the church is completely different from that of any other "church-founder" to the church s/he founded. I was also talking partly just about the connotation that the phrase "founding a church" has for me. It sounds to me like starting a new religion or belief system
DAVEH:  Do you suppose it appeared like such to Pharisees?
(whereas note that the prophets are included in the foundation in Ephesians), on one's own initiative and on the basis of a private revelation. That isn't what Jesus did. But anyway, I didn't mean to sidetrack you--continue your conversation with John!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 12:41 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] TruthTalk] Eternal Judgment

Debbie Sawczak wrote:
Here is how this "Protestant" thinks: Jesus didn't "found a church" at all. That has jarred for me since childhood as a thorough misunderstanding. It makes me think of a voluntary association of people who subscribe to a new set of religious ideas and practices thought up by (or revealed to) Jesus, and by which they hope to find their way to God (only Jesus managed to get it right, like solving a riddle, so it was the right church).
Jesus didn't lay a foundation, he is and always was the foundation.
DAVEH:  That seems somewhat contradictory to what Paul described in Eph 2:19-20, where the fellowcitizens with the saints and the household of God (is that not referring to the greater congregation of the Church as a whole?) were given a foundation of apostles and prophets (Jesus being the cornerstone) to form the (hierarchal) framework of the Church.  Could that not be suggesting that a True Church could not exist without apostles and prophets, nor without such would we come to a unity of faith and perfecting of the saints as mentioned in Eph 4:11-14?   As I see it, Debbie....I respectfully disagree.  I do think Jesus gave us a foundation of A&Ps, upon which he founded the True Church, so to speak.
What he did was of a completely different order than any "church founder", way more radical: unite God and humanity in life, death, resurrection, and ascension. The result is that our corrupt humanity is made new, his faith is produced in us, and we are included with him in the fellowship of God.
DAVEH:   Is this a commonly accepted theory of Protestantism?  LDS folks believe such thinking is flawed, John.  IOW.....I believe Jesus founded the RIGHT CHURCH and a measured amount of legalism is important and necessary within that True Church.

  What our Mormon friends do not understand and what you will not admit to, apparently, is that there was no time when the RIGHT CHURCH EXISTED except in the Mind of God and via the blood of Christ.   The First Church was steeped in legalism. 

Dave Hansen
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