Dave Hansen wrote:

DAVEH:  That seems somewhat contradictory to what Paul described in Eph 2:19-20, where the fellowcitizens with the saints and the household of God (is that not referring to the greater congregation of the Church as a whole?) were given a foundation of apostles and prophets (Jesus being the cornerstone) to form the (hierarchal) framework of the Church.  Could that not be suggesting that a True Church could not exist without apostles and prophets,
Mornin' Dave.  Glad you had a safe trip.  Now if you can survive reading all your mail, you might just make it.
You are correct that Jesus is the cornerstone and the apostles are the foundation.  Let me add that every new Christian is a living stone, added to that foundation.  These living stones are the living Church, still being built,  a work in progress.  Those stones will continue to be added to this living organism until the end of time, but the foundation has been laid.  We don't need another Jesus and we don't need more prophets or apostles.   Just more living stones.

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