Dave, I do not want to lampoon you...I want to lampoon your belief system.

My wanting a prooftext is not hypocritical...I believe that the Mormon view of this is heretical and that there is no biblical support for this position, so any scripture you quote would be a prooftext. I want to know what prooftexts the Mormons use to substantiate their beliefs on this.

In the past I have been admonished by you: "if you want to know what mormons beleive, ask a mormon". That is what I am doing...giving you an opportunity to set me straight on your beliefs before I repeat them...and now you admonish me for having an active imagination.

Maybe Blaine will help us out on this one. Or, you can give me your bishop's phone number and I'll call him and ask. Yes, I will say that you referred me.

I ask these questions because they seem to pose a contradiction...that men of flesh and bones and women of flesh and bones produce spirit babies...or that men of fleash and bones conjugate with spiritual women and produce spirit offspring.


From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Hows does this Mormon concept work
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 08:07:00 -0700

DAVEH: My, you do have an active imagination, Perry. Except for the belief that God is an exalted being that has a physical body of flesh and bone (that houses a spiritual body), which is taught by LDS theology....the rest that you've mentioned below is pure speculation and not supported by any Scripture of which I'm aware. Blaine is a bit smarter than me though....perhaps he knows something I don't.

BTW........For a guy who previously criticized me several times for offering *prooftexts from the bible*, now you are requesting them?!?!?! Hmmmmm.....seems rather hypocritical to me, Perry. Do you really want to know what I believe, and what I believe Scripture teaches, Perry.....or do you just want to lampoon me?

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

Dave (and Blaine if you are still around),

I have been wondering this for a few days, and need you help to understand it.

The mormon god is an exalted man, of flesh and bones, right? And, he has multiple (would you say a thousand or so?) spiritual wives, right? And, he has sex with them (or did in the past) to produce spirit babies, right?

May I assume, then, that men who have become gods, yet are still flesh and bones, as you say the mormon god is, can have sex with spiritual wives?

Or, are these wives exalted women of flesh and bones, too? If they were mortal men and women who became exalted, and are of flesh and bones, how do they have spiritual babies? Why do they not have flesh and bone babies? Are there any mormon prooftexts from the bible that support this?

Thanks. Inquiring minds want to know.


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