DAVEH:  One would hope so, Lance.  However, history is replete with Christians doing heinous acts in the name of God to assist their perceived foes in their journey to hell.   Were not the Crusades fought by sincere believers in Jesus?  And were not witches burned in Salem by those Bible believers who wanted God's enemies to burn in hell?  And more recently, do you suppose Paul Hill had similar thoughts as he squeezed the trigger?  Were not all of these above examples of Christians eager to carry out what they perceived as God's will in sending people to hell?

Lance Muir wrote:
'They' are, in reality, saying/meaning what you've ascribed to them. Their hearts are more gracious than their words, however.


Not because they “don’t accept Jesus as I do”, but because they don’t accept Jesus as He said you must. So believing Jesus’ words is equivalent to being “eager” for others’ damnation in your mind, DaveH?

DAVEH:  Not at all Izzy.  I see Christians as being eager when they use a phrase like "I hope you burn in hell" when they disagree with the actions or beliefs of others.  While you may not have had such feelings about non Christians, Izzy....I suspect there are a lot of Christians who do feel that way.  I quick net search and found numerous references to such eager Christians, Izzy.  Here's an excerpt....

The "misunderstood" ADF headline incited over 3000 hate messages to the school, ranging from the more benign, "I hope you burn in Hell for all eternity," to the more sinister late night calls like, "I know where you live and you work at that God forsaken school." We had two sheriffs full time on campus for two months, and it scared the daylights out of our children. 

.........Do you think there have been any TTers who've hoped for such, Izzy?   If so, I would suggest they meet the eager definition.

Such logic places blame for damnation upon those who believe God’s Word, instead of upon those who refuse to accept God’s terms of salvation.  Izzy

Dave Hansen
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