DaveH wrote:
> Do you not think there may have been at least
> one TT who is eager for me to burn in hell because
> I refuse to accept their theological beliefs?
No, I don't think so, but I could very well be wrong.
David Miller wrote:
> Also, sometimes grieving people who are not even
> Christians say such things out of anger. 
> I see.....you want to give Christians a pass, by inferring
> that it is only non Christians who would use such language. 
> Is that the way you see it, DavidM?  
No, I didn't mean that.  I just don't think that you should assume that they are Christians just because they talk about hope for someone burning in hell.  I would agree with you that there have been Christians who have hoped for their enemies to burn in hell.
Peace be with you.
David Miller.

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