You mean, of course, your interpretation of what Jesus taught us about

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: April 06, 2005 18:05
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Narrow way not " loving"?

> Bill wrote:
> > David, here is the context for you remark:
> I hope you remember that there was more history leading to this remark
> what you quoted.
> Bill wrote:
> > My comments were in response to your having taken
> > "exception" to DaveH's "perception" that there might be
> > Christians (you added  "on TruthTalk") ...
> Actually, DaveH brought up TruthTalk
> Bill wrote:
> > ... who are eager for people to be consigned to the burning
> > torture of hell. I simply raised the possibility that perhaps your
> > statement had informed that perception.
> It is possible, Bill.  That is why I was trying to point out that such a
> perception would be a misperception based upon my remarks.  I am not eager
> for anyone to burn in hell.  That is why I preach about hell.  Too many
> people these days do not believe what Jesus taught us about hell.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> ----------
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