David Miller wrote:
Terry wrote:
Try to get over the idea that the Church is a
small or large organization.  It is neither
It is a living organism

I hear where you are coming from, Terry, but there is something about this 
organism called church that is defineable.  The word church is found in the 
plural quite often in Scripture.  I cannot read Rev. 2 & 3 and not see that 
Jesus perceives several defined churches there.  You didn't comment about my 
remark about the Temple Menorah, having one root, but many branches.  This 
is the imagery of Revelation concerning the churches.  Notice that to the 
church of Ephesus, Jesus threatens to remove its candlestick (Rev. 2:5). 
Doesn't that mean that this church had autonomy from the other churches? 
Doesn't it mean that this organism called the church is more defineable than 
simply saying it is all the believers upon the face of the earth?  How can 
you read about these 7 churches and not see different problems and different 
strengths?  How can you read how Jesus deals with his churches here and not 
recognize that there exist different churches with different strengths and 
different weaknesses?

One consideration about the church is its sphere of operation.  Is it the 
whole world?  Is it the nation in which it exists?  Is it the county?  The 
city?  I think Scripture is consonant with the idea that the city defines 
geographical the sphere of operation for the church.  The city is the 
smallest political unit, and it seems that perhaps this is what is meant by 
passages that speak about the WHOLE CHURCH.  We read about the "whole 
church" referring to the saints in Jerusalem in Acts 15:22 and this same 
phrase appears to refer to the saints in Corinth in 1 Cor. 14:23.  Acts 
11:26 refers to Paul and Barnabas assembling with the church in Antioch in 
Acts 11:26.  This church seems to have distinction from the church in 
Jerusalem and other cities.  It sure seems to me that the Holy Spirit has 
something in mind about church that is different than the idea that Christ's 
church is simply all those in the world who believe in Christ.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 
I see the menorah and I see it represents seven bodies of believers in different geographical areas.  I also see that one of those bodies of believers is about to be admonished or punished for disobedience.  The church with a small c is called a church because it is a body of believers.  If there were no other body of believers, it would be THE Church, but since it is not alone, it is just a portion of The Church.  The smallest unit is not the city.  The smallest unit is the individual Saint. Individual Saints make up individual churches.  Individual churches make up The Church. (One cornerstone, one foundation, a bunch of living stones.  I have stated what I believe.  You cannot see it that way.  No problem, it doesn't mean you have lost your salvation.  It just means that you are wrong.  That makes us even.  You were more correct on the prophets. :-)

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