Charles Perry Locke wrote:
Charles Perry Locke wrote:
There must be a resolution to this apparent dilemma.
DAVEH:  What dilemma?  If you can be one with God, Perry.  Why can't Jesus be one with his Father in Heaven.  That would make 3 separate entities that are one with each other.  Doesn't seem difficult to understand to me.  Why is it so hard for you? you not believe you can be one with God?
There are basically two...whether the Three are of the same God, combined in some mystical way that we do not (yet) understand
DAVEH:  ???   Already you are losing me, Perry.  Why are their basically 2 Gods in the Trinity?  Or....are you saying that the >Trinity doesn't exist as one godhead (to choose a Biblical term that you have yet to introduce) with only 2 Gods, but it requires 3 Gods to form a Godhead (or Trinity, if you wish)?

No, Dave. By chopping up my response you have separated "There must be a resolution to this apparent dilemma" from "There are basically two". Two resolutions, that is.
DAVEH:  OK........As you may suspect, I'm a bit dense at times.

...or there are three Gods. Christians, in general, choose the first option. Joseph Smith chose the second. The doctrine of the Trinity, while the nature of the union is not (cannot be) fully understood

DAVEH:   That must be the reason you think I will never understand it.

The reason I think you will never understand it is because you are a polytheist, and to truly understand the concept of the Trinity would reduce your infinite gods down to one.
DAVEH:  Nonsense, Perry.  The logical reason you don't think I will ever understand it is because you do not understand it.  If you were to admit that I could understand it, then how would that make you look when you admittedly don't understand it.  Hence, you must assume that I will never understand it.

DAVEH:   Do you know why they simply did not refer to it (Trinity) as the Godhead?   Wouldn't that have been more Biblical and easier to perceive? you believe there is a difference between Godhead and Trinity?

The Trinity is also referred to as the Godhead. But "the Trinity" encompasses the triune nature of the one true God. "Godhead" is generic, and can refer to any god or collection of gods. Like the mormon jesus, god, and holy spirit are called by mormons "the godhead", but never "the Trinity".
DAVEH:   Hmmmmm........Let me see if I understand this, Perry.  LDS theology believes the Bible teaches about God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ who is also a God.....and, the Holy Ghost which is also a God.  The Bible suggests these 3 Gods consist of the Godhead.  Do not Christians recognize this aspect of the nature of the Godhead of the Bible?   Contrast that to your perspective of believing in a Triune God that at the insistence of a non Christian political figure was defined by a group of religious people with diverse opinions of doctrines several centuries after the advent of Jesus.  These men were brought together to hammer out a doctrine that was acceptable to the majority of them to keep peace in the kingdom, so to speak.  In the process they coined some non Biblical terms (viz triune and trinity) and obfuscated the true nature of the Godhead by introducing a paradoxical dilemma that is only palatable by cloaking it in mystery.  After pondering all that, I do find it curious that you would claim Mormons believe a different Jesus than is found in the Bible. 

  Besides, I do not find any of the Mormon characters from the novel called "The Book of Mormon" mentioned in the Bible.

DAVEH:  Once such character is Martin Harris, who is described in Isa 29:11 and again in JS 2:63-65

Let me insert the passage here so we can analyze it...

     And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book
     that is sealed, which Martin Harris delivered to one that is learned,
     Professor Charles Anthon, a gentleman celebrated for his literary
     attainments, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot;
     for it is sealed...

Sorry, Dave, I just do not see Martin Harris mentioned in the passage above...

Joking aside, Dave, Isa 29:11 (the real one, not my "mormonized" version) is just one example of the many prooftexts used by the mormons in an attempt to tie the rantings of a false prophet to the most holy of books. Thanks. I will add that to my growing list of such prooftexts.

See for a short comment on this prooftext. It is the last article on the page.
DAVEH:  I find the commentary pretty weak, Perry......especially when it fails to offer a contrasting opinion as to the meaning. 
Dave, we have gone around and around regarding the Trinity. You know where I stand,
DAVEH:  Yes....You have explained that you believe it, even though you don't understand it.
and I know where you stand.
DAVEH:  Yes Perry, I think you do realize that I believe in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost which are each individual Gods with one purpose that comprise the Godhead mentioned in the Bible......and I reject the paradoxical mystery created by the Triune/Trinity doctrines which are not mentioned in the Bible.
Lets let it go, okay?
DAVEH:   While you continue to criticize me for believing LDS doctrine?


Dave Hansen
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