On Sat, 9 Apr 2005 15:02:49 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Secondly,  get this through your pretty little (just an _expression_) head  --   you and Judy cannot offend me. 
You try but it doesn't happen. 
JD when are you going to take thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ and stop giving that
old accuser an audience.  Do you really think Izzy and I stay awake at night thinking up ways to
offend you?
I only point it out hoping against hope that one day, you might see that you (both) are in the same boat as the rest
of humanity, 
jt: Not me JD and you can't speak for Izzy either.  I'm not in the same boat as the world out there
and I don't believe she is either.
standing in a righteousness that is as filthy rags and in constant need of the sacrifice once and for all time
given to those who possess a faith that is not of obedience to law. 
jt: I am not standing in my own righteousness and am sure Izzy is not either but when I sin I go to
my advocate at the throne of grace and if you are not dealing with your own issues daily JD then
they are piling up  and scripture says that if you say you have no sin when you do that you
are a liar and the truth is not in you.  Is this what you are saying?
The once-for-all has to do with issue of our High Priest; the one who comes before the
Father on our behalf - Not our sin. 
And I will continue my rather gifted script in that hope.    Jd

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