In a message dated 4/11/2005 6:22:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John wrote:
>In Galatians, Paul makes clear the teaching on
>holy days  --   there are none.

Can you elaborate on this, John?  What specific passage did you have in

Gal. 2:19;  4: 9-11;  Romans 14 (where the "weak or wrong brother is the one who honors one day over another)

John wrote:
>The eating of meats?   No reason to NOT eat except,
>of course, the conscience of some believers.....................
>while eating in their presence, of course.

I hope you don't think Paul advocated eating meat offered to idols in
Paul knows that an "idol" is a piece of wood or a stone  --  it is not real.   there are not other gods   ---  I am quite sure that when Paul sat down to eat, he did not ask of the meats "origins"   That's not what you are saying, is it?   Are you asking me if Paul went to the local temple in Corinth looking for the best in MOTI and took it home for personal consumption? 

David Miller.

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