Thanks for pointing that out, I missed that name there!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] May Day in the Park

LOL that is because I am not a writer! Ruben another (Street Preacher) wrote this piece see the ending.

Debbie Sawczak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
IMO, this is the best piece of writing you've done on TT, Kevin. It was really interesting, and gave me a bigger window onto who you are.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2005 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] May Day in the Park

Sunday in San Diego was the largest earth day gathering in our nation. About 60,000 tree hugging, peanut eating, whale saving, anti capitalist, hairy arm pit female baby killers that hate SUV’s came to hear us preach and walk in the sunshine too. After this event was over, all I wanted to do was get into my new Ford Expedition SUV and eat a dead carcass of any kind, spotted owl, Eagle anything that once lived and ate, with me at the end of the food chain. Then drink out of a Styrofoam cup, with a table that overlooks a smokey oil refinery. What else could a man and a few of his friends want, after Christian male bonding together all day?

After parking in two slots, we grabbed our gear (sandwich signs, banners, Bible and tracts) and walked into the park and who was the first booth we bumped into you ask? The hare Krishna’s and I began to preach that you know you are in a cult when they have you walk around in pajamas in the daytime and they give you a haircut that resembles the rear of a horse. To which they sang Krishna, Krishna, Hare Krishna faster and louder, dancing around, working themselves into a frenzy. I explained to the crowd that if you wish to see the fruit of this religion, just travel to India and see all those starving children with puffed up stomachs and flies around them. Why, because they choose to worship the cow rather then eating it and even the animal dung is considered sacred. I say if you serve a cow, put it in between to buns with onions and tomatoes. We were there only a few minutes when the event security, park police and San Diego police showed up watching behind the large crowds watching everything. Now our attorneys faxed the park, police department and city attorney a seven page “Do Not Touch” letter Friday around noonish. So now it was time for the infantry to hit the beach.

We stopped at Buddhist, gurus, unification, spiritual healing, psychic, new age, political, atheist and Muslim booths making no small stir as the police followed in golf carts and horse. They had almost anything one could want to hug tree kind, there was a dog psychic booth and who could forget the new city wanted where automobiles and trucks are not welcomed or the no border booth. There were petitions to stop this or start that, most there hated our President, government and capitalism in general. But what do I except for having an event like this on May first, MAY-DAY.

My main theme was to noise that Christians are concerned about polluting the land too, but the instrument which does this is sin. Sodomy, abortion, adultery, murder and on and on the list goes which not only pollutes the land but destroys the land. Why honor the creatures and not the creator and when someone would toss our tracts on the ground. We made a big issue over it for littering on Earth Day, now here’s a tip from your uncle Ruben. If you wish to give a tree hugger a tract, make sure you tell them it’s written on recycled paper and they will take it.

Having a preach circuit be it on campus or events for years you can get to know people.  Last weekend while in San Diego, we had a large crowd of people follow us going from booth to booth and listening to debate.  I talked with a fellow that worked with placing all the booths around earth day.  He wanted to get me a booth for next year, anywhere I wanted to promote what he called “my agenda”.  After we finished, I noticed a girl in her late twenties standing around for over an hour and so I asked her if she had any questions.  She said yes and asked what I thought regarding religion, and to her surprise I told her it was the worst thing created by mankind.   If I were not a strong Christian, that would be my excuse to toss out the baby with the bathwater, but I do not blame God for the mess mankind has done.  She told me that he has witnessed us preaching at earth-day and the sodomite parade in San Diego for years and noticed that we never promoted a particular Church.  We talked a number of times thought out that day and each time she had another question regarding religion.  She said we talked once years ago during earth day, but could never get next to me during gay pride day, due to the police protection around us.  Her name was Jennifer and did not resemble most lesbians, she had a religious upbringing and for unknown reasons walked away from Christianity.  The more we talked I studied her eyes and countenance, concluding that God is moving in her life.  After the event and ready to drive off, I prayed for the day and the ears that heard, favor with the police and this Jennifer.  Since then I have continued to pray for her and even told my wife that her face is engraved in my mind and if I see her again in June during the sodomite parade that my wife could walk into the large crowd and spend some time with her.   


Over the years the San Diego police have been favorable to us, contacting my home if I am coming to town and once in town, there is a police presence.  I talked with officers  during earth day that has stood in front of us during gay pride day and they asked if I brought my extension cords to earth day?  The officer in charge told me that months prior to earth day, attorneys were arguing about us being mobile in the park and going from booth to booth, even considered having it removed from Balboa Park to a stadium where they can have a bit more control on the event.  It was this officer that told me, that the park wanted me arrested for multiple complaints but he has not witnessed any law being broken.  He told me that if liberal people ever get into power to change laws, they would become beyond totalitarian.   It is they that would become the ultimate dictator, he thanked us for being cooperative and noted that the only free speech stopped was ours.  


Countless other conversations last weekend, from those that have observed us preaching in public for years.  Also that weekend in Southern California Cher was in concert and there was a big porno convention in town that was covered.

From the WATCHTOWER: Ruben Israel

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