DAVEH:  Ahhhhh....I also experience the lack of time problem, so I do understand.

    I'm not sure which questions you want to resurrect.   I've got a bunch in my inbox awaiting my time situation.  Just don't know when (or even if) I will have time to ever get to them.

    FWIW.....If you want to talk about Bible theology and how it relates to you, that is what I prefer.  If you just want to denigrate my LDS beliefs, don't expect much in reply.  As you know, I'm not hear to examine all the negative stuff you can find about the LDS Church.  I'm sure there are other email forums that will accommodate you, IF that is what floats your boat. 

    If you want to label me as a Liar, Deceiver and Snake......I think you doing yourself a disservice, Kevin.

Kevin Deegan wrote:
 But I am curious Kevin......When I asked you to define it, why didn't you just look it up in the dictionary and make a brief apology, and then restate your argument?  Why dodge the issue for so long? 
lack of TIME:
Saturday 3 hour drive to Rochester for a funeral. & Girls softball
Sunday Church, Mothers day
I have been here long enuff that you know I do not play dodge ball that is your and Blaines domain.
Should we ressurect those old questions that you both have refused to answer?
How many times did I ask?
DAVEH so I wonder if you too might have some internal hangup (such as a close LDS relative) that might cause you to be particularly vehement in your crusade against Mormonism.

PS 119 Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.

DAVEH:   ???   What's that all about, Kevin?  Like you said above......Why not deal with the actual issues......Unless you are trying to discredit the messenger.
LDS have a history of subterfuge! C'mon want to talk about that subject?
Joseph was a master at Subterfuge. So were the other "prophets" like Taylor Denying they practiced polygamy while he had how many wives? For how many years was the practice done in secret? How did Emma feel when she looked thru the crack in the barn and spotted Joe & Fanny (the little orphan girl) on the hay mow? A RACE of DECEIVERS
And you wonder why people call you LDS

"the endless subterfuges and prevarications which our present condition impose . . . threaten to make our rising generation a race of deceivers."  Charles W. Penrose to LDS President John Taylor, 1887

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin Deegan wrote:
As debbie pointed out it should be aspersions but you knew that, right Dave?
DAVEH:  I suspected such, Kevin.  However there is a word usage of dispersions, and since you were trying to paint me into a corner, dispersions may have been an appropriate word!  Unlike you though, I don't try to read minds.  I'd rather ask somebody what they are thinking rather than make claims that don't match the definitions.

      But I am curious Kevin......When I asked you to define it, why didn't you just look it up in the dictionary and make a brief apology, and then restate your argument?  Why dodge the issue for so long?  I'm not one to hang a guy for a simple mistake....I've made enough myself that it would be hypocritical for me to point out yours and then relentlessly hammer you for making it.
1a. An unfavorable or damaging remark; slander: "Don't cast aspersions on my honesty." b. The act of defaming or slandering.
I would say that it is also a underhanded delivery, as in not directly calling one mental just asking the question, to cast aspersions.
DAVEH:  Again....I respectfully disagree with your conclusions regarding my questioning Perry about such things. 
Since you claim that you did not "CALL" Perry ANGRY,
DAVEH:  That's right Kevin.  I didn't say he was angry, I said he comes across as angry in the way he posts.   From previous off-forum posts, I know that he has a different demeanor when posting publicly.  In fact, I think he previously admitted (off-forum) to me that people think he sounds harsher from the things he says when posting than he is in reality.  Perry???....Am I accurately explaining this to Kevin?
an ANTI,
DAVEH:   Do you think Perry would be happy if folks thought he was pro-Mormon?  What's the problem, Kevin?  Both you and Perry are very anti-Mormon by any definition I can think of....do you deny it?  If so, what do you think an anti-Mormon is, and why do you think you or Perry do not qualify???
DAVEH:  He admitted such.   Now you have me curious about that, Kevin......From my perspective, I feel you are attacking LDS theology.  Am I wrong, or do you agree?  (I know it might be hard for you to agree with a Mormon boy on anything!)   :-)
with Internal HANG UPS
DAVEH:  That was a serious question, Kevin.  As you know, Perry's Mother-in-Law is LDS.  I thought that fact may have caused Perry to have a particular ax to grind, in effect being an internal hang-up.  Most TTers have not been nearly as vocal about their disdain of LDS theology as you and Perry, so I wonder if you too might have some internal hangup (such as a close LDS relative) that might cause you to be particularly vehement in your crusade against Mormonism.
DAVEH Let me ask if you are possibly bearing false witness.  Did I claim Perry was angry, or did I ask him if he was angry? 
I posted as a illustration:
Do you have a mental problem?
DAVEH:  I think there are some TTers who must think so, due to my willingness to remain in TT when an occasional fellow TTer like you, Perry and a few others over the years have put my feet to the fire.
Notice I did not accuse you of such I am just asking!
DAVEH:  I've got no problem with you asking, Kevin.  I've got to wonder why you would have a problem with it though.  What's eating away at you inside?   ;-)
Another example is asking for prayer. casting aspersions, while cloaking ones real intentions with the impression of caring. Notice the underhanded delivery method rather than direct.
Instead of calling Perry names;
Sticks & stones may hurt his bones ya know.
Why not deal with the actual issues, Perry brings up?
DAVEH:   LOL......Surely you jest!  Perry doesn't seem to want to talk about theology as much as he wants to discredit LDS theology.  As I've said before, I'm not here to discuss the LDS Church or its doctrines, but rather I am interested in what you (Protestants) believe, and more importantly....why you believe such.
Unless you are trying to discredit the messenger.
DAVEH:  How does describing the messenger as an anti-Mormon discredit him IF that term accurately describes him?  
The issues stand on their own irrespective of yours or my character traits. Stop misdirecting away from the issues.
DAVEH:  Listen, Kevin....If you or Perry is an anti-Mormon (by definition), then what's the problem with that?   Do you really feel that term discredits you?

"the endless subterfuges and prevarications which our present condition impose . . . threaten to make our rising generation a race of deceivers."  Charles W. Penrose to LDS President John Taylor, 1887

Just in case you need more DEFINITIONS:

prevarications: ...Innumerable; countless: numberless lies and other prevarications....

subterfuges: ...Inflected forms: chi·caned, chi·can·ing, chi·canes To resort to tricks or subterfuges; use chicanery. To trick; deceive.

DAVEH:   ???   What's that all about, Kevin?  Like you said above......Why not deal with the actual issues......Unless you are trying to discredit the messenger.

Debbie Sawczak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

You guys are just pretending (for fun) not to know that the word is "aspersions", right?
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2005 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Dispersions

DAVEH:  Hmmmmmm.......Now that I think about it, perhaps you are my mental problem!   ;-)

    Still waiting for you to define dispersions, Kevin.   If you want to make an accusation about me, it would be nice to know the definition of that accusation.  Don't you think you should withdraw the accusation if you aren't able to offer a pertinent definition???

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Do you have a mental problem?
Notice I did not accuse you of such i am just asking!

Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:  None of your points below meet the qualification of disperse, Kevin.   I asked you to define dispersions, and you failed to do so, since you did not post the requested definition.  So again Kevin......Look up the definition of dispersion, and then let me know again how I've dispersed Perry.

    BTW.....I would be curious to know if Perry agrees with you on this, Kevin........Perry, do you feel I have been casting dispersions on you???

    Now Kevin.....Let me ask if you are possibly bearing false witness.  Did I claim Perry was angry, or did I ask him if he was angry?  Do you recognize the difference?

    Now look at all the other points you've made.   Have I accused him of the things you've said, or did I AS K him i f he exhibited those characteristics?  Go back and read them carefully Kevin, and I think you will find that you are assuming something that is not true in the way I communicated with Perry.   When I suggested he was attacking Mormonism, he even agreed in a backhanded way (see his last comment below).  So what's the problem, Kevin.....got a burr under your saddle???

    As for your comment about me being anti-Christian, or anti-Bible....I think you'll find I believe the Bible more literally than you.   Furthermore, I'd like to think my behavior contrasts any anti-Christian implications you may want to lay on my shoulders.

    To change the subject slightly, how about you, Kevin?  Do you view yourself as an anti-Mormon?  And, do you get angry when discussing these things with me?  And finally....Do you feel I am casting dispersions on you by asking you those questions???

Kevin Deegan wrote:
give me one example where I've dispersed him
You claim he is ANGRY, an ANTI, he is ATTACKING, with Internal HANG UPS
DAVEH: Do you feel compelled to attack other religions as you do the LDS Church?
DAVEH: Referring to you as an anti-Mormon would have no political or social consequences on TT. I think the description fits you well, and see no reason why you should not be
comfortable wearing it.
DAVEH: Is there a possibility the reason you are repulsed is an internal hang-up rather than with what I actually post?
DAVEH: Did you awake having a knot in your stomach and feeling angry?
I count the number, as four here.
You try to discredit by labeling him.
By the way are you ANTI Christian? Anti Bible?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:  Casting dispersions against Perry?  Don't think so, Kevin.  I'm just helping Perry understand how he comes across to me.  If you think I've cast a single dispersion against Perry, please define dispersion and then give me one example where I've dispersed him....so to speak.

    As for proving Mormonism true.....I've never attempted to do that on TT.

Kevin Deegan wrote:
DaveH If you want to discuss Theology why do you cast all these dispersions against Perry character?
Even if he was a ANGRY, ANTI, ATTACKING, with Internal HANG UPS, type person as you paint the picture, what exactly about that picture, proves Mormonism true?

Charles Perry Locke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>It is not what we have in common that is the problem...it is what we do
>>NOT have in common.

>DAVEH: So you have no interest in discussing theology in an effort to see
>what we might believe in common?

Cpl: Not Really. I have an interest in exposing the error called mormonism.

>DAVEH: To you, TT merely is a place to convert people to your way of
>thinking. Am I reading you wrong on this? If not, then for what reason
>did you come to TT, Perry?

Cpl: I am here to convert no one. My original purpose was different than it
is now. My purpose now seems to be to expose satanically inspired heresy of
the mormons. At least that is the direction in which I am being drawn.

>DAVEH: ??? politacally charged framework??? Referring to you as an
>anti-Mormon would have no poli tical o r social consequences on TT. I think
>the description fits you well, and see no reason why you should not be
>comfortable wearing it.

Cpl: These days the term “anti-whatever” is used by sinners to discredit
those who disagree with their behavior and beliefs. If that is your best
defense against my claims, then call me what you like.

>DAVEH: Do you feel compelled to attack other religions as you do the LDS
>Church? IOW....If there was a Catholic TTer, would you treat them the same
>way you treat Mormons?

Not the same, but I would engage them. They are a Christian church with
errors…the mormons are a satanically inspired heretical group in total

>>I can only tell what I know and believe.

>DAVEH: That's where I see you might have a problem, Perry. You seem more
>intent on attacking rather than sharing your beliefs.

Cpl: If you feel the truth as an attack, maybe it is your fait h that has a

>DAVEH: Is there a possibility the reason you are repulsed is an internal
>hang-up rather than with what I actually post?

Cpl: If my internal hang-up is that I am repulsed by Satan, the praise God.
I have the gift of discernment!

>DAVEH: Now....knowing how repulsed you are at the beliefs I espouse, would
>you advocate I not post my beliefs on TT?

Cpl: Never. But, since the forum is called "truth-talk", posting deceptions
here does seem strange.

>DAVEH: In times past, some other TTers felt it was wrong for me to even be
>a member of TT. Do you feel that way as well? IF you feel it is OK for me
>to be a TTer, do you think it is OK to post my beliefs here as freely as
>you or any other TTers?

Cpl: No. Sure.

>DAVEH: Did you awake having a knot in your stomach and feeling angry? No
>offense Perry, but that's the way you come across many times.

C pl: No. I am not angry. I am repulsed.

>>I recoil at the presence of Satan

>DAVEH: ??? Meaning me? :-(

Cpl: You are not the center of our discussion, Dave. Satan and his mormon
church are.

>DAVEH: Do you feel I am bringing evil to TT? If so, (other than Blaine)
>have you felt that way about other TTers as well?

Cpl: You are merely deceived and bringing this deception into the forum.

>DAVEH: Or, Perry....is it not possible the Lord may want you to know more
>about what I believe rather than for me to hear what you believe?

Cpl: That is possible, but if so, it is probably not for the reasons you
think it is.

>DAVEH: Perhaps so.....From what I experience in TT, I certainly have much
>more appreciation for my LDS culture than I had before.

Cpl: I can understand why Satan would tighten his grip on you when he is


Dave Hansen
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