I never did answer the question below which was directed to me.
I don't deny any part of it, Blaine, although I should be careful about saying that, since I am sure I am not yet living in complete accordance with it all, and that is a kind of denial. I also don't profess to understand all of it; I am still learning what it means and expect to go on doing so. A lot has been said here already about interpreting Scripture. That is something we cannot avoid doing if we are serious readers of it, and it is something that should be done in a holistic and thoughtful fashion; if you chop Scripture up into tiny bits and try to read off meaning from these discrete bits in the quickest and most superficial way, it simply doesn't work. I also think that it contains different kinds of writing that have to be respected by reading them in different ways. Also, if we try to use it as a handbook of doctrines and generalized principles that can be neatly assembled into a tight logical package, we will miss the point. It is a story, and personal: the true story of God and his relationship with people.
I do sometimes get tired of the arguments; I think you're right in a way, that people often say, in arguing, things they don't really believe. I think the object should be to understand, and allow others to understand us, and not give up on that. But it is hard work. I frequently blow it.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2005 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] baptism

> Blaine:  Just for the record, so as to answer the question, what is faith, I reply the following:
> "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"
> Now, I have a question for Debbie and TT's in general:   The stance taken by many on TT has been that the Bible is the only word of God.  If this is so, then why do you all deny so many parts of it?  Take Baptism for instance.  Kevin and, I assume Perry too, deny it is needed for salvation, yet it is clearly practiced as a fundamental ordinance throughout the NT.  The same for Revelation beyond what is written in the Bible.  How come you are so inconsistent here?  This makes me conclude you people are just arguing for argument's sake, and are not interested in the truth.  
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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