Caroline Wong wrote:
I think you mean some obese folks are not glutton. True some people have metabolic disorders that make them put on weight without overeating. But what about those who do overeat. Can they still be Christians. Or how about smokers? Or an alcoholic who got dry and then got drunk again and then sobered up again. Was he still saved when he was drunk? If he stayed drunk is he still saved?
The Bible is pretty clear about who goes to Heaven and who goes to Hell.  Those who deny self and follow Christ are saved.   Drunkards and gluttons are specifically pointed out as lost as are sexual perverts, gossips, and so on.  Smoking is not specifically addressed in the Bible.  It could be like wine or food; a little is good, a lot is bad, or it could be like taking the Lord's name in vain; never do it even a little bit.  In the OT, unintentional sin was forgivable.  Under grace, even intentional sin over a long period can be forgiven provided it is forsaken (Go, and sin no more).  My advice: If in doubt, don't sin.  If you slip up, repent.  If you wallow in sin, get some good fire insurance, you will need it.

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