Pgage opined:

This is stunning in its stupidity - even for a cable "news" operation.
Miles is not flawless, but he is something of a rarity in TV news
these days - he actually knows what he is talking about. And when a
real science story breaks, he is able to cover it, on the fly, with
competence, expertise, context and experience. Most of these other
airheads CNN puts on its anchor desk come across like they just boned
up on whatever subject they are talking about in a 15 minute google or
wikipedia session.

I guess it is not surprising that CNN does not see the need for
journalists who know what they are talking about, but it is, even so,
very, very sad.

Karla sez:

I agree wholeheartedly.  I actually tune in to CNN for Miles O'Brien
specifically when a science or space related breaking news story hits.  He
does know his stuff, especially about the space program.  This is really
crazy.  I hope he lands on his feet.

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