As with everyone else, I was floored when I read about Tom this
morning.  And also lost for words.  I also thought it must be a joke.  I
guess you just never know what life is going to throw at you.

It will be a little sadder knowing that, aside from his direction as
"new chief" status of our community, The Remote Patrol and daily trivia
will not be return - no one could provide both a good laugh and summary
about tonight's TV like Tom could.

When I approached him over a year ago about setting up the tvornottv web
site,  in every sense, Tom wanted to make it a community site -
maintained by what he calls his Brain Trust.   And at the same time, he
did not want to distract from the mailing list.

I hope our little community can continue strongly in his honor.

And with that, I was the one who switched over the home
page this morning.   I thought a link to his last Remote Patrol was
appropriate.  Hopefully, together, we can put up a more permanent
memorial on the web site at a later time... for now, we'll leave up the
test pattern.

Jay Lewis wrote:
> Terry Knab wrote:
>> Okay guys, I have control over and his related websites...what
>> should I post up there?  
> How about what's up at

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