On Jun 26, 4:18 pm, "Kevin M." <drunkbastar...@gmail.com> wrote:

I rarely find myself in agreement with Kevin on matters artistic and
aesthetic, but in this case, I'm with him 100%. The disproportionate
amount of ink spilled, airwaves hogged, and bandwidth wasted on Farrah
and Michael is staggering, such that, if he and I had made the most
inappropriate comments possible, it would be like fighting a tidal
wave with a sheet of notebook paper.

I wouldn't presume to speak for Kevin, but my own feelings are that I
didn't give a rat's ass about either Fawcett or Jackson when they were
alive, had no respect for their artistic output, and feel no
compunction about trying to inject some balance into what I see as a
fawning overload of "bloviation" about how iconic and vital they were
to American culture. She was a mediocre actress who was on a poster 35
years ago. He was a skilled singer and dancer within a very limited
range who does not seem to have had influence on popular music since,
say, 1990.

Sorry if that offends anyone.

--Dave Sikula

> So, in direct response to your most recent post, if you want to "be
> sad for one frickin' day," go ahead. Nobody is stopping you. But I
> refuse to let your sadness interfere with the business of living, and
> I resent that your sadness takes precedence over legitimate news
> stories. And, since this message board deals with the media and
> people's reactions to/perceptions of it, my thoughts on the deaths of
> two people are at least as valid as yours. So how about you respect my
> feelings, be they happy or unhappy, grumpy or ungrumpy, you know?

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