I admit I like Conan, and the handful of weeks I worked on "Late
Night" were easily among my favorites in my five years in the
industry. But what fans of his don't want to admit is that there is a
way of looking at it as though NBC is making the right choice. There
is a way of looking at Conan as a failure. If, that is, you ignore
everything else that led up to and along with the decision to make him
host of "The Tonight Show."

Jay spent years as guest host of Carson's show, borrowing from
Carson's fanbase to build upon his own. Leno also spent years as a
guest on Letterman's old show doing essentially the same thing. Conan
never had that opportunity. In fact, NBC made it clear that, if you
liked Jay, you didn't have to watch Conan, which eliminated any of
Jay's fans from bothering to establish a connection to Conan. Whereas
Leno appeared on Carson's Tonight Show weekly and Letterman's Late
Night six to eight times a year for years prior to taking over the
show, I'd be shocked if Conan appeared on Leno's Tonight Show more
than once a year in the show's history.

Granted, NBC was under no obligation to work towards sharing the
audience, but the stated reason for announcing the switch years in
advance was to avoid any loss of audience -- to allow for a transition
from one host to another. But a transition is not defined as a sudden
stop of one thing and a sudden start of something else. There was
supposed to be a gradual movement between the two things, and that
just didn't happen between Jay and Conan. Instead, NBC made deliberate
moves to put a show on at 10pm which would generate lower ratings than
the other shows that were there. And then NBC deliberately hung Conan
out to dry.

As even NBC has stated, Jay didn't fail. He performed EXACTLY as they
wanted him to (PGAGE's collection of the numbers will verify that Leno
fell more-or-less at the threshold of 1.5). And those low (but
anticipated) numbers directly translated to lower numbers for local
newscasts, which led to lower numbers for Conan. NBC chose a strategy
which would guarantee the destruction of 150 minutes of its programing
day -- 22.5 hours per week of fewer people watching. So Conan
failed... which was all he could do.

Out of curiosity, I went back to TVorNotTV's initial thread about the
concept of Jay in prime time, begun back on 12/8/08:


Looking at all of our comments, we were all asking the right
questions, but since this is all about the egomaniacs of television,
I'll just focus on my comments (you can go back to the "Leno to stay
at NBC" thread to reread what everyone wrote, which I recommend).

I initially described the concept as "elegant and stupid," then went
on to state "I think it cuts Conan off at the knees. He still follows
Leno, al-be-it with a 35 minute news break in between (so much for the
seamless transitions between shows NBC and the other networks have
been attempting). What is currently 'The Tonight Show' won't be going
away, which means its audience can easily follow Jay 95 minutes
earlier and fall asleep that much faster, leaving Conan high and dry."

And, when it was revealed that the network's aim was not to beat the
competition, but merely to save money by producing less profitable
programing that was less expensive to produce, I replied, "That is a
cop-out on the part of Leno and the execs. It is lowering the bar. 'We
will suck profitably' is something prostitutes should say, not the
producer/host of a TV series... And, by playing this time-shifting
game, they've potentially muddied their own long standing late night

Before I forget, someone mentioned how averse Aaron Barnhart now seems
to be towards NBC and Leno, but, at the time, he was a huge fan of the
idea, offering reasons that didn't make sense to me then and still
don't today:

Kevin M. (RPCV)

TV or Not TV .... The Smartest (TV) People!
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