Just watched the Rose/Zucker interview. Some thoughts:

Zucker is now indistinguishable from Ari Fleischer in appearance and
mannerisms, and I'm not unconvinced they're the same person expunging
the same hot air.

Ever bland, Rose asked the traditional questions with no followups and
brought no knowledge to the table beyond what he'd read in the trades.
No mention of "How much did Leno know and when?" Early in the
interview, when Zucker went off on his little speech about his job
being to set aside emotion and focus on the money, where was Rose to
pounce on that idea and rip it to shreds? Or when Zucker praised NBC
Sports for Olympic coverage that hasn't even happened yet (he cited it
as an example of NBC not failing), but Rose didn't bother to mention
the lost revenue from that coverage.

Best quote of the interview: "It's the sign of a leader to step up and
say, when something's not working, to have the guts to reverse it, and
the worst thing you can do is to let that mistake linger." No, the
worst thing you could do is make decisions that make things even

Someone explain to me why the affiliates will rally together to bump
Leno back to 11:35, but they won't rally together to remove Zucker,
the guy genuinely responsible for what will ultimately be their
demise? Where are their threats of "Drop Zucker or we will preempt
your programing for reruns of 'She's the Sheriff'"?
Kevin M. (RPCV)

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