Jeez, don't get me started on the drug ads (actually, I'm glad you
did).  First of all, you'd think for a drug that is so expensive--
these ads tout prescription narcotics that could cost upwards of $300
a month--that they could create a commercial that cost more than
$1430.00 to produce.  In production value, I'll take those Excedrin,
Tylenol and even a Beano spot over some of these monstrosities that
shoot on video, cast from a Community Theater and are written by a
committee of Doctors, all making sure each one's "side effect" makes
the cut...

On Sep 13, 5:21 pm, Tom Wolper <> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Bob in Jersey <> wrote:
> > My family has a mute button, and on our TV-recording devices, a
> > forward-scan button. :-P
> > But seriously, can we make excessive prescription-drug ads an issue in
> > pending political campaigns?  There's some downright-deadly **** being
> > proffered there...
> My favorite of the prescription drug ads was for Xenical. The ads
> didn't run a long time and what I liked especially was, during the
> side effects voiceover, the phrase, "Xenical is a controlled
> substance," which means it's addictive. So while law enforcement was
> trying to save people from marijuana, a nonaddictive substance, there
> were commercials on TV encouraging people to ask their doctors for
> Xenical which is an addictive substance.

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