The lunatic fringe moves towards the mainstream, and is enabled by the
pundits/puppets and their masters. It would be pathetic if it wasn't
so creepy and unsettling.

On Jun 27, 9:24 am, PGage <> wrote:
> No, not the heavily edited mash-up job he did on Jon Stewart 2 shows ago,
> but the interview from yesterday when he had the nerve to ask Michele
> Bachmann if she was a flake. Bachmann, proving her flakiness, has refused to
> accept the apology:
> *
> **
> or:*
> Stewart said he did not think Wallace took marching orders from the Fox
> corporate talking points memo - but apparently he does. I guess sometimes he
> forgets the "other side" of the news he is supposed to be presenting. Keep
> in mind, Wallace did not call her a flake, just served up a soft ball giving
> her the opportunity to re-package herself as a non-flake. All she had to say
> was "no Chris, - that's the perception of the liberal elites trying to ruin
> our country. There is nothing flaky about standing up for traditional
> American values".
> Bachmann has gotten to where she is (in the recent Iowa poll second
> front-runner for the Republican nomination for President) by delivering red
> meat quotes to the most radical, conservative extremist groups in the party.
> If she really wants to make the transition to a serious national candidate,
> she has to find a way to reinterpret her extremist views for a more
> mainstream audience. Or maybe not, if she only appears on Fox News, and the
> rest of their employees learn the lesson Wallace has about which questions
> can and can not be asked.
> And no, there is nothing even remotely sexist about the question - any male
> candidate, from either political pole who had burst on the national scene
> defined by such extremist rhetoric, would be asked the same kind of question
> (note that Obama burst on the national consciousness at the 2004 Democratic
> Convention giving a relentlessly moderate speech, not wearing a dashiki and
> a big afro god damning America).
> Huff Po: 
> (
> has a sampling of some of her more extreme statements on one of their
> slideshows, including:
> Her claim that intelligent design is supported by a significant portion of
> the scientific community; her accusation that the Obama Administration runs
> a gangster government; her claim that legislation to reform regulation of
> the financial industry in the wake of the financial crisis was similar to
> the fascist rule of  Benito Mussolini; her comment in New Hampshire that it
> was the state "where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and
> Concord" (she did later admit she was wrong about that, though it was
> particularly flakey given the group she has made her name with); her public
> refusal to answer the Census questions ("Why does the government need our
> phone numbers?"); her claim that last year that the Obama administration
> was  "turning our country into a nation of slaves."; her claim that Obama
> was trying to create re-education camps for young people"; and her warning
> that the US was considering abandoning "the dollar for a multinational
> currency." (appropriately for this thread, Politifact rated Bachmann's
> statement "False").
> The point here is not that nobody who believes most or all of the above can
> be president of the USA ; the point is that while delivering these kinds of
> red meat lines can get you a lot of attention from an extreme base, if you
> want to run for president of the country you have to expect to be asked
> about them, and find a way to make them palatable to the mainstream. You
> can't just start crying and get your goons to get the president of Fox News
> to write a memo to the mean man who asked you about it on TV to say he is
> sorry (oh, wait, I guess you can).

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