Nixon resigns: one of the networks. The evening edition of the New York Post 
had a front page that said “Nixon Resigns Tonight” so we were well prepared. My 
brother tried to record it from the tv speaker with a portable tape recorder. 

1977 NYC blackout: I was watching a CPO Sharkey rerun when the lights went out 
on Long Island too. After a couple of hours we got electricity back and the 
local cable company pulled in network affiliates from Connecticut until the NYC 
stations came back online 

Miracle on Ice:  watching the game at home, like everyone else 

Challenger: I was at work at a bank branch. We pulled our TV from the break 
room to the lobby so that we could watch while working. 

1989 Earthquake: watching the game. 

O.J. Simpson chase: we were at a bar after work watching the Knicks in the NBA 
playoffs when the TVs switched to a split screen 

9/11/01: working from home that day, my text pager (remember those?) got a CNN 
alert about a small plane hitting the WTC. I turned on the TV in time to see 
the second plane hit. The company that I was working for first sent home all 
employees nationwide who were in tall buildings. A couple of hours later 
everything got shut down. Somewhere, I’ve saved all of the CNN text alerts from 
that day, some of which were incorrect. 

Up until recently a friend and I would send a text to each other if there was a 
major news event. It was one of:
“Have you seen the footage?”
“Brought to you by Texxon”
“John David Stubbs”

All of these are shorthand for the 1983 “Murder of Buckwheat” SNL episode, 
which through the beginning of 2020 was a fairly accurate parody of how TV news 
covers major news stories. You can draw a direct parallel between that series 
of sketches and the Kobe Bryant coverage from February. (Doesn’t that seem like 
a million years ago?)


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