Yeoh may be out as primary cast, but I could see a Section 31 series moving 
forward.  The question would be 'in what time period', since...

...Empress Georgiou got sent to an undetermined year - likely 23rd Century 
- by the Guardian of Forever. I think the real key to a Section 31 show 
would be finding a team of writers who could channel more of the DS9-style 
of writing and less NuTrek.

I'd seen buzzing about a Starfleet Academy series, but I think that was 
going to be set either concurrent with SNW or sometime in the years 
spanning LD/Picard. Frankly, I'd be up for a series following the crew of 
the Titan-A once S3 of Picard is done - I'm quickly gaining appreciation 
for the bridge crew (although keeping Jeri Ryan as Commander Hansen/Seven 
of Nine would be a must).

But then again, I'd also watch a show about O'Brien fixing leaking conduits 
all day, so who am I to say?
On Friday, March 3, 2023 at 12:23:21 AM UTC-5 Stan S wrote:

> Discovery seasons 3 and 4 started to move away from established limits 
> once they got to the 32nd century. I would have liked to have seen more 
> in-universe stories than we got. All those ships that were introduced a few 
> episodes into season 3. We hardly saw anything. Tilly says, “10 generations 
> of Voyager, I’d like to hear some of those stories.”  And we got nothing. 
> The season long arcs could have been covered in half as many episodes, with 
> maybe a few episodes that stopped to take a look around instead of a single 
> goal for the whole season. 
> I’d like to see another 32nd century show spin off from Discovery. Maybe 
> Tilly can be the central character of a Star Fleet Academy show. 
> I don’t think that they’re going to be able to pin down Michelle Yeoh for 
> the Section 31 show, now that she’s in Oscar territory. 
> If Picard season 3 has a good reception, then we’ll probably see a 
> spin-off show with Seven, Raffi, and a few of the TNG cast. I don’t know 
> the fate of any of the regulars this season. Maybe some Janeway thrown in 
> there if Sir Patrick doesn’t want to return. 
> Meanwhile, Strange New Worlds is the gold standard of Star Trek spinoff 
> shows. Maybe they could get a 20 episode Season 3. 
> -Stan
> On Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 7:15:16 PM UTC-5 David Bruggeman wrote:
>> Five seasons, and, if the fifth season is 13 episodes (like seasons 3 and 
>> 4), Discovery will end with fewer episodes than the first show (68 episodes 
>> for Discovery to 79 for Kirk and company).
>> My initial sense of what happens next with Star Trek is that with two of 
>> the 3 live action programs going away over the next two years (Picard's 
>> final season is airing now), there will be some interest in developing 
>> another series.  I have to believe that folks at Paramount are looking at 
>> what the Star Wars people are doing in episodic streaming and thinking 
>> (correctly or not) that they can keep churning out shows. Whether that goes 
>> anywhere I have no idea. 
>> If they do pursue this, I'd like to see a project that is not as closely 
>> linked to previous programs as the current crop has been (both Lower Decks 
>> and Prodigy have connections to the earlier generation of spinoffs).  I 
>> enjoy Strange New Worlds, I'm just not interested in having every Star Trek 
>> program so tightly woven into what has gone before.  There's some happy 
>> medium between an MCU-style arrangement and no overlap between the 
>> programs.  It might not be exactly the same as was done for the first 
>> generation of Trek spinoffs, but I think something like that would be 
>> agreeable.
>> David
>> On Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 03:15:50 PM PST, M-D November <
>>> wrote: 
>> The addition of Pike (Anton Mount) in season 2 and their eventual jump to 
>> the far future turned the show around and made it feel more Trek-like, but 
>> it took too long to shake off a first season which, yes, felt decidedly 
>> un-Trekie. Personally, I'm OK with Disco closing up shop as long as they 
>> leave things open to a future series set in that timeframe (where, 
>> admittedly, there's a lot to explore).  As long as we get more SNW and 
>> Lower Decks, I'm OK with it.
>> On Thursday, March 2, 2023 at 5:43:51 PM UTC-5 Kevin M. wrote:
>> So the Star and Showrunner say on the official social media. 
>> Looking back, my main criticism of this series is that it wasn’t Trek. It 
>> was probably decent scifi and might’ve been decent stories, but it was not 
>> decent Trek. It took too many liberties and was way too self indulgent in 
>> simply ignoring canonical details.  
>> -- 
>> Kevin M. (RPCV)

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