I was about to write up a description when I remembered this thread:


  — Matt / @mzsanford

On Jan 12, 2009, at 10:36 AM, dougw wrote:

How does search do it?

On Jan 12, 12:29 pm, Matt Sanford <m...@twitter.com> wrote:
Hello there,

For this to work we would need to support specifying the language of a status. There is a Google Code issue for that feature [1] so this
enhancement would be blocked on that.

   — Matt Sanford / @mzsanford

[1] -http://code.google.com/p/twitter-api/issues/detail?id=212

On Jan 12, 2009, at 07:16 AM, dougw wrote:

An enhancement I could greatly use in the public_timeline method is
the ability to specify a specific language within the request. For
instance, I only want english updates. I'd like to be able to make a
request like this.


While I know I would use it, can anyone else in the community see
value here?

If it's an expensive enhancement then I wouldn't ask for it, but if
you think it's a quick addition, I'd like to see it.


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