I am wondering how Twitter communicates statuses messages that may
have existed at one point in time but have since been deleted by a

1) John hits publish.
2) Message broadcast to all requesting (including firehose)
3) John doesn't like the message and deletes it
4) He might perform something closer to an edit and publish a second
status soon after


  In the HTTP world we would just return a 410 Gone status on the
Twitter.com page for the given status message. Twitter currently
returns a 404. It might be helpful to add another step before
returning a 404 on that URL pattern to instead check for a status that
did exist at one point in time but is not coming back.

  Given the firehose of new statuses the scenario might require a
second firehose of removals.

  I ran into this problem while using Twitter search. The returned
status doesn't always exist on Twitter.com but the search client
consuming the firehouse might not update.

-Niall Kennedy

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