Are you seeing any signs that you've been blacklisted? Are any calls
getting through? I've seen this before but only when my IP was
blacklisted (because of a bug that sent a script into an infinite


On Feb 19, 9:35 pm, Eric Blair <> wrote:
> I've been seeing that a bit the past few days as well (it looks like  
> the email I sent to the list yesterday about curl multi was an HTTP  
> Status 0 issue).
> We were outputting the curl output from our app to a file for a bit -  
> it definitely seemed like the cases with status code 0 weren't  
> communicating with Twitter - I've pasted some sample output at the end  
> of the email. The log describes the following situation - we batched 4  
> requests and, in this case, 2 succeeded and 2 failed. In this case,  
> the failures show up as Connection Timeout. I saw a few of these  
> happen live in our logs and the timeout was definitely shorter than  
> the value we set for CURLOPT_TIMEOUT. However, it might've been long  
> enough to hit the limit set for CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT. We're  
> increasing that value to see if improves the situation.
> In other cases, we saw Host Not Found instead of Connection Timeout,  
> so I'm not certain if this will resolve the issue.
> One thing we did notice is that it looks like we're getting some major  
> packet loss between our server and Twitter - one host was dropping 25%  
> of packets and the next host was dropping 11%. We thought that seemed  
> excessive and might've been contributing to the status 0 message.  
> Here's a sample of the problematic portion of the traceroute:
>                           Packets                 Pings
>                           Loss%   Snt             Last            Avg         
>     Best    Wrst    StDev
>   8.                            0.4%  
>   3526    4.0             4.8              
> 4.0             224.0   7.8
>   9.                   25.7%   3526  
>   56.0    55.3    
> 52.0    228.0   9.3
> 10.                               11.1% 
>   3526    52.0    68.6    52.0    
> 564.0   44.5
> 11.                                   0.4%  
>   3526    56.0    73.2    52.0    
> 4536.   92.4
> Here's the curl output -
> * About to connect() towww.twitter.comport 80 (#0)
> *   Trying
> * About to connect() towww.twitter.comport 80 (#1)
> *   Trying
> * About to connect() towww.twitter.comport 80 (#2)
> *   Trying
> * About to connect() towww.twitter.comport 80 (#3)
> *   Trying
> * Connected port 80 (#2)
> * Server auth using Basic with user '******'
>  > GET /direct_messages.xml?count=25&since=Mon+Feb+16+03%3A07%3A36+
> %2B0000+2009 HTTP/1.1
> * Connected port 80 (#3)
> * Server auth using Basic with user '******'
>  > GET /direct_messages/sent.xml?count=25&since=Mon+Feb
> +16+03%3A07%3A36+%2B0000+2009 HTTP/1.1
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 20:51:06 GMT
> < Server: hi
> < Last-Modified: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 20:51:06 GMT
> < Status: 200 OK
> < ETag: "8cbb8956513e515ff337bf304285829f"
> < Pragma: no-cache
> < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0,  
> post-check=0
> < Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
> < Content-Length: 79
> < Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
> < X-Revision: d50813e1759a5b669840a0ae553da67b69c67caf
> < X-Transaction: 1235076666-28856-29642
> < Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
> < Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
> < Set-Cookie:  
> _twitter_sess
> =
> BAh7CToTcGFzc3dvcmRfdG9rZW4iLWRiNDcwZjgzYWFlNjU5YTk5YmM1MjY1
> %250ANWU4OWY0NGNmMWU1MzM2MTEzZWQ3IgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rpb25Db250cm9s
> %250AbGVyOjpGbGFzaDo6Rmxhc2hIYXNoewAGOgpAdXNlZHsA
> --5bd0845e53637728605a15dd8c9fa4043cb5fea6;; path=/
> < Vary: Accept-Encoding
> < Connection: close
> <
> * Expire cleared
> * Closing connection #2
> < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> < Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 20:51:06 GMT
> < Server: hi
> < Last-Modified: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 20:51:06 GMT
> < Status: 200 OK
> < ETag: "8cbb8956513e515ff337bf304285829f"
> < Pragma: no-cache
> < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0,  
> post-check=0
> < Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
> < Content-Length: 79
> < Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
> < X-Revision: d50813e1759a5b669840a0ae553da67b69c67caf
> < X-Transaction: 1235076666-55169-28378
> < Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
> < Set-Cookie: lang=en; path=/
> < Set-Cookie:  
> _twitter_sess
> =
> BAh7CToTcGFzc3dvcmRfdG9rZW4iLWRiNDcwZjgzYWFlNjU5YTk5YmM1MjY1
> %252F5d5ToHaWQiJTUwYjUxMDg1OGE2
> %250AY2ZlYWNhYzE2MDQ1ZjlmMWRjZDRkIgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rpb25Db250cm9s
> %250AbGVyOjpGbGFzaDo6Rmxhc2hIYXNoewAGOgpAdXNlZHsA--
> d1e252a95e502fa449339582429e1703159e5d2f;; path=/
> < Vary: Accept-Encoding
> < Connection: close
> <
> * Expire cleared
> * Closing connection #3
> * Expire cleared
> * Expire cleared
> * Connection time-out
> * Closing connection #0
> * Connection time-out
> * Closing connection #1
> On Feb 19, 2009, at 8:43 PM, Matt Sanford wrote:
> > Hi Chris,
> >    I've seen reports of this HTTP 0 before but I'm having trouble  
> > making sense of it. There is no code in our system that returns 0,  
> > at least not on purpose and I couldn't find anything in our apache  
> > logs. A quick trip to Google shows that libcurl (used by the PHP  
> > curl functions) returns 0 if it cannot connect. Are you able to make  
> > the same request via the curl command line utility? If so, please  
> > send along the output of curl -v (minus the Authorization header).
> > Thanks;
> >  — Matt Sanford
> > [1] -
> > On Feb 19, 2009, at 01:53 PM, Chris wrote:
> >> Howdy,
> >> I am making API calls to Twitter using PHP ('Arc90 Twitter API  
> >> Client'
> >> Library) to update a users status, and about 3 out of 10 times CURL
> >> returns a HTTP status code of 0 - with no other data returned.
> >> But if I try again and again it will usually work within a few
> >> repeats. Does anyone have any ideas about this?
> >> Thanks for your help,
> >> Chris.

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