
This is good news! It will allow us to start development of retweet
support in our client applications / web-sites, and do backward
compatibility testing.

Would it be possible, if it has not already been done, for twitter to
create a couple of accounts that include some retweets so we can also do
forward compatibility testing? It doesn't have to be much, just a
half-dozen or so nonsense status updates in each account, some
retweeted, some not.

When you do this, please be sure to include an example of a status
update that is retweeted by more than one other account. I, and others,
still have questions, so far unanswered, about what the results will
look like in this case, and other similar cases.

Thanks in advance,

Jim Renkel

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Marcel
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 18:23
Subject: [twitter-dev] [ANN] statuses/home_timeline resource now
available (though it doesn't include retweets yet)

We mentioned in our early preview email about the retweet API
that the statuses/friends_timeline resource wasn't going to include
retweets for backwards compatibility so we don't break clients that
aren't planning to add retweet support. The upgrade path is entirely
opt-in. To that end we're adding a statuses/home_timeline resource
that is in all ways identical to statuses/friends_timeline except the
home_timeline resource *will* include retweets as demonstrated in the
example payload in the documentation at

The statuses/home_timeline resource is now available though it won't
include any retweets until the retweeting feature is fully launched.
To be clear, until the full retweet launch, statuses/home_timeline
will be 100% identical to statuses/friends_timeline and will *not*
include retweets. We wanted to make the resource available early
though so that clients who will be incorporating retweets into their
timelines can update the resource that they reference and have
requests succeed. When the full retweet launch happens, retweets will
start to appear in statuses/home_timeline as per the documentation.

Marcel Molina
Twitter Platform Team

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