
I don't see where it says coming soon. Please let me know so I can
remove that label.

This feed is in production. We haven't settled our access policy for
this stream, so we're not generally granting access yet. You can
request access at a...@twitter.com, but I don't know when or by what
criteria we'll approve these. Detail your use case.

-John Kalucki
Services, Twitter Inc.

On Nov 16, 8:38 am, Kapenda Thomas <kapen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I noticed that the retweet api still says coming soon. It is available yet
> for general consumption or do I have to have my developer API key approved
> for use?
> thanks,
> -k
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 10:56 AM, John Kalucki <jkalu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Once the retweet feature is launched, some statuses flowing through
> > all /1/statuses resources in the Streaming API will be annotated as
> > retweets. Clients using reasonable JSON and XML parsers shouldn't
> > require a change. Clients using brittle parsers, or those not
> > projecting result fields, but instead using some sort of all field
> > parsing, may wish to test their stack with synthetic retweets. The new
> > fields are described here:
> >http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-REST-API-Method:-statuses-retweet.
> > Follow the usual sources for announcements on the actual date of
> > retweet general availability. I'd expect the launch date to be a few
> > weeks or so away. We're taking precautions to prevent retweets from
> > leaking into the Streaming API in advance of this full launch, but the
> > prudent mariner prepares for the unexpected.
> > -John Kalucki
> >http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > Services, Twitter Inc.

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