MY UNDERSTANDING: From other threads it sounds that location is your
account profile location if your tweet is not a geotweet (ie sent from
mobile device or foursquare etc).  Also, you need to include a geocode
in your search to get a location field.

PROBLEM: I am not getting any tweets locations that are profile
locations when using the following search (ie no tweets from my
account: MikeUDUC),-118.3957,100mi&callback=?

But if I take out the geocode parameter, tweets do show up, but
obviously no location since there is no geocode parameter.  I've done
other geocode searches, but have yet to get a tweet that is not a

My best guess is that the search is not recognizing profile names as a
geolocation. I have tried changing my profile to San Diego, CA, and
San Diego, California but neither work.

Also, my location did show up once, but mysteriously it never showed
up again.  Twitter voodoo I suppose.

RELATED QUESTION:  Is it possible to get the profile location without
using a geocode parameter? Perhaps by using users/search?

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