> and so will the datail-view of any news on this page

Yeah, you are right, that's a flaw.
Should only forbid indexing when there are no parameters passed... hm....

> Why does SE see your pages?

not sure, and it doesn't happen all the time. It's probably not the XML sitemap, as it should regard nav_hide.

Theoretically, anyone could post that address anywhere, if it's publicly accessible. Say someone posts a link to a form confirmation page (out of any reason, maybe he wants to show that he's registered) in his blog and whoops there it is, crawlable.


Am 09.02.12 11:39, schrieb Bernd Wilke:
On 02/09/2012 11:13 AM, Urs Bräm wrote:
... and also the feared tt_news "Detail page" with the message "no news
in this list" will get it's robots metatag :-)

and so will the datail-view of any news on this page????

normaly 'not in menu'-pages should not be linked and so serachengines
does not get their URL and will not index them.
Why does SE see your pages?


Urs Bräm
macht Websites
Certified Typo3 Integrator
CH-3011 Bern
TYPO3-english mailing list

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