AAAI-04 Workshop on Sensor Networks 

July 26, 2004 San Jose, California 

Call for Papers

Organizers: Gaurav S. Sukhatme (USC), Adnan Darwiche (UCLA), and Deborah Estrin (UCLA)


We invite the submission of full papers, extended abstracts, and
position papers to a one day workshop on Sensor Networks at
AAAI-04. All submissions are due on March 12, 2004 on the following

submission web page 

All papers should be in PDF format and should use the AAAI style ,
with the following page limitations in mind. Position statements are
limited to 2 pages. Extended abstracts are limited to 5 pages, and
full papers are limited to 8 pages.

Sensor Networks are emerging as a revolutionary and critical
information technology. Like the Internet, these large-scale and
distributed systems, which are composed of smart sensors and
actuators, will eventually infuse the physical world. Sensor networks
will form a critical infrastructure resource for society as they will
monitor and collect information on such diverse subjects as ecosystem
dynamics, soil & air contaminants, medical patients, buildings,
bridges and other man-made structures. Across this wide range of
applications, sensor networks promise to reveal previously
unobservable phenomena, allowing for a greater understanding and
control of both natural and man-made environments.

Research on sensor networks has been taking place at several levels,
from the lowest physical level to the highest information level. The
main goal of this workshop is to foster research at the information
level of sensor networks, for which the AI community has a lot to
offer in terms of both theory and technique. Specifically, the
workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers in the AI
community to meet with members of the sensor networks community, to
exchange information on the needs and problems in the development and
deployment of sensor networks, and on the AI tools and techniques that
can be brought to bear on these problems.

We encourage submissions that cover any of the following subject
areas. First, AI techniques with applications to sensor networks,
including distributed inference, reasoning about (the value of)
information, machine learning, and multi-robot and multi-agent
systems. Second, sensor network applications and deployed systems that
could benefit from AI techniques. Third, theoretical approaches and
practical systems that already integrate AI techniques into sensor

The workshop will include 25-50 participants, with a format that
includes both paper/position presentations and panel discussions. We
will also have a small number of invited presentations to provide
participants with background information of global interest. Workshop
attendance will be by invitation of the organizers. Selection of
attendees will be made by the organizers on the basis of
submissions. Workshop organizers will notify submitters of acceptance
by April 16, 2004. Camera-ready copy is due back to workshop
organizers by May 7, 2004. All workshop participants must register for
the AAAI-04 Technical Program. AAAI will reproduce and mail copies of
working notes for the workshop and AAAI Press offers the opportunity
for workshop papers to be published.

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