Lotfi A. Zadeh wrote:

 > [...] However, PT can be
 > generalized to perception-based probability theory, PTp. (See "Toward a
 > Perception-Based Theory of Probabilistic Reasoning with Imprecise
 > Probabilities,"
 > [...]
 >             I know Robert very well. Someone is asking me: On the scale
 > from 0 to 1, how would you rate Robert's honesty? My answer may be, say,
 > about 0.9. There is no randomness and no uncertainty. Thus, "about 0.9"
 > may be interpreted as my perception of the truth value of the
 > proposition "Robert is honest," or, equivalently, as my perception of
 > the grade of membership of Robert in the fuzzy set of honest men.

Dear Prof. Zadeh,

I think this use of the term "perception" is misleading, as it has 
already been pointed out in this list. Although it may have the meaning 
you intend, in artificial intelligence it usually refers to "physical 
sensation", which is not the case in the assessment of Robert's honesty. 
Perhaps it would be more clear to speak of "subjective judgement" or 
"subjective assessment" (even though these terms are also used for the 
elicitation of probabilities) or to use a different term in this vein.

 > My perception is subjective, context-dependent and imprecise.
 > This, in a nutshell, is how humans assess degrees of truth.

I would like to know to if theorists and practitioners of fuzzy logic in 
general agree with your interpretation of truth value and membership 
degree. There are other interpretations, which lead to different 
elicitation techniques---see, for instance, 
(PDF file in 

What is your opinion about these alternative interpretations of truth 
value and membership degrees?

Best regards,
   Javier Díez

Francisco Javier Diez            Phone: (+34) 91.398.71.61
Dpto. Inteligencia Artificial    Fax:   (+34) 91.398.88.95
UNED. c/Juan del Rosal, 16       E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
28040 Madrid. Spain              WWW: http://www.ia.uned.es/~fjdiez

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