Dear Prof. Zadeh,

Thanks for your reply. As I understand it, your position is that all of our
perceptions are partial, or exist in degrees, and as our experience is
entirely based on our perceptions, partiality is a fundamental part of human
cognition. Nothing ever fully exemplifies what it is (or what we are calling
it), but rather only exemplifies it to some degree, or partially. No one is
ever "truly" honest, but rather people are honest (we perceive them as
honest) to varying degrees. In fact honesty itself only exists as a sort of
continuum, where things are more honest and less honest. Knowledge is based
on perception, and perception is always partial.

It seems to me that this view underplays the role of judgement in human
congnition. One could argue that people are naturally _classifiers_, and
that their natural cognitive response to perception is to categorize it. One
never has a perception that someone is 0.1 tall on a scale of 0 to 1. We
have perceptions of the person being tall or short in particular instances
when we became conscious of the person's height because it was an issue in
the situation. The person was too tall or too short for something and they
were classified as tall or short in that instance. My total perception of
the degree of tallness of the person is an average of these different
classifications at different times, but ultimately it is based on
classifications and judgements, of actual applications of concepts rather
than the experience of degrees of them. Perception of degree follows
perception of existence.

Likewise with honesty, if you asked me to gauge a person's honesty, and I
know something about them but have no preconception of their honesty based
on personal experience with them, then I might consider various moral
dilemma-type situations and try to predict whether the person would act
honestly or not. In this case, I am assigning a likelihood to the person
doing the honest thing in each case, and my final judgement of the degree of
honesty is based on the average of those considerations weighted by the
gravity of the particular situations. I don't perceive degrees of honesty. I
perceive particular instances, which I classify as honest or dishonest.
Macroscopically I determine a degree of honesty based on the microscopic
instances of bivalent decisions, or the application of a concept or not.

I think it is interesting to consider the quantum mechanical model.
Previously, a continuum of matter and energy seemed self-evident, but it
turns out that things acually exist in discrete states (or we can only
perceive them as such), and there is a sharp jump from one state to the
next, not a smooth continuous transition. However, the most useful model for
describing the state of things with incomplete knowledge is in terms of a
_distribution_ (wave equation). We imagine things "existing" as
distributions prior to observation, and their future being conditioned on
what was observed. But what is primary is the thing that happened, and this
is all we need to make metaphysical reference to. The rest is a model that
aids in the prediction of what will happen in observation.

Actually, I don't want to argue _against_ partiality and degree. I believe
your ideas concerning partiality and your work on partial knowledge and
reasoning under uncertainty are valuable and useful, as is obvious from
their impact on science. I only take issue with the emphasis on partiality
and degree almost to the exclusion of discrete categorization in epistemics.
You argue that perception is fundamentally continuous and that the discrete
states that we think we observe are really only points in a more general
continuum of perception, in short, that perception is prior to cognition. I
believe that we are only aware of perception to the extent that it has been
cognized, and that cognition is more fundamentally characterized by discrete
classifications and decisions, with perception of degree being secondary,
i.e. cognition is prior to perception.

Kind regards,

- - -----Original Message-----
From: Lotfi A. Zadeh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 6:47 PM
Cc: Lotfi A. Zadeh; Peter Tillers; Jason Palmer; Paul Snow
Subject: Re: [UAI] causal_vs_functional models

Dear Jason:
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
<!--[endif]-->            Thank you or the comment. However, your perception
of the relationship between standard probability theory, call it PT, and
fuzzy logic, FL, is in need of discussion.
The principal difference between PT and FL is this: In PT, only certainty is
a matter of degree. In FL, everything, including certainty, is-or is allowed
to be-a matter of degree. However, PT can be generalized to perception-based
probability theory, PTp. (See "Toward a Perception-Based Theory of
Probabilistic Reasoning with Imprecise Probabilities," Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 105, 233-264, 2002, Downloadable
at: under
Sponsors/Project Titles.) In PTp, as in FL, everything is-or is allowed to
be-a matter of degree. This includes such basic concepts as randomness,
independence, stationarity, etc. In PTp, as in FL, bivalence is abandoned.
Let me be more specific.
            A concept which has a position of centrality in human cognition
is that of partiality. We have partial knowledge, partial understanding,
partial belief, partial doubt, partial solution, partial ability, partial
control, partial membership, etc. Among the many kinds of partiality, there
are three that stand out in importance: partiality of truth (verity),
partiality of likelihood (probability) and partiality of possibility. What
is not realized to the extent that it should, is that these concepts are
distinct. To clarify, let me add a few examples to those given in earlier
messages. First, let me focus on the difference between partiality of truth
and partiality of likelihood.
            I know Robert very well. Someone is asking me: On the scale from
0 to 1, how would you rate Robert's honesty? My answer may be, say, about
0.9. There is no randomness and no uncertainty. Thus, "about 0.9" may be
interpreted as my perception of the truth value of the proposition "Robert
is honest," or, equivalently, as my perception of the grade of membership of
Robert in the fuzzy set of honest men. My perception is subjective,
context-dependent and imprecise. This, in a nutshell, is how humans assess
degrees of truth. We have been doing this for years when we filled out
survey forms with questions such as: How would you rate quality of service:
excellent, good, fair, poor? What should be stressed is that there is
nothing that is probabilistic in these examples. The same applies to Peter's
questions: Is a wheelchair a vehicle? Is a motorized wheelchair a motorized
vehicle? What I said above relates to Paul's question about partial truth.
            Now let us consider another scenario. I am acquainted with
Robert but do not know him well. Someone is asking me: On the scale from 0
to 1, how would you assess the likelihood that Robert is honest? My answer
may be: about 0.9. In this instance, "about 0.9" is my subjective
probability that Robert is honest, with the understanding that honesty is
treated as a bivalent attribute. For humans, assessment of truth is
intrinsically much easier than assessment of likelihood. Note that
likelihood and certainty are closely related but are not identical. Both
truth (verity) and probability are subjective. The widely accepted thesis
that subjective probabilities are definable via betting behavior, is
indefensible because betting behavior is influenced by many factors other
than probability.
            What about partiality of possibility? Here is a simple example
drawn for my 1978 paper, "Fuzzy Sets as a Basis for a Theory of
 Possibility," (Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 1, 3-28). (For an up-to-date in
depth discussion see the special issue of Artificial Intelligence on, "Fuzzy
Set and Possibility Theory-Based Methods in Artificial Intelligence"
Elsevier, Vol. 148, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-424, 2003, edited by: D. Dubois and
H. Prade.) What is the possibility that Hans may eat n eggs for breakfast?
For n=5, say, it may be about 0.3, on some scale of ease of attainment, and
for n=1, it will be 1. Note that there is nothing that is probabilistic. On
the other hand, the probability that Hans may have one egg for breakfast may
be about 0.1, and the probability that he may have more than two eggs for
breakfast is zero. In bivalent logic, in modal logic and, more generally, in
mathematics, possibility is bivalent. Thus, when I stipulate that a
variable, X, takes values in a set, A, what I am defining is the set of
possible values of X, or equivalently, its bivalent possibility
distribution. More generally, possibility may be epistemic, that is, defined
by constraints induced by knowledge. As an illustration, the proposition X
is A, where A is a fuzzy set, equates A to the possibility distribution of
            It is of some help to view partiality as a dimension. In this
sense, PT is one dimensional. FL is three dimensional. Natural languages are
three dimensional in the sense that, in general, propositions drawn from a
natural language, NL, involve partial truth and/or partial likelihood and/or
partial possibility. The mismatch between dimensionalities of PT and NL is
the reason why there are no means in PT for understanding propositions drawn
from NL.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
<!--[endif]--><!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
<!--[endif]-->Dear Paul:
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
<!--[endif]-->            Thank you for the comment. You refer to solutions
to my test problems. Actually, no acceptable solutions have been put
forward. There is a basic reason why my problems cannot be addressed through
the use of PT. What is absent in PT is a means of counting the number of
elements in a fuzzy set, that is, the concept of cardinality of a fuzzy set.
Suppose that I am in a room and am asked, "How many tall men are in this
room?" with the understanding that tallness is a matter of degree. Note that
in this context there is no randomness and no uncertainty. Can you point to
a discussion of this basic issue in a standard text on probability theory?
Without addressing the issue of cardinality, you cannot define the meaning
of propositions of the form Q A's are B's, e.g., most Swedes are tall.
            Manipulation of partial truths, partial likelihoods and partial
possibilities calls for different calculi and different conceptual
structures. To try to fit everything into the conceptual structure of
probability theory is unnatural and counterproductive. Simple problems in
one realm become complex problems in another realm. It is a little like
trying to eat soup with a fork. Try solving a system of linear equations in
which coefficients are random variables.
            In perception-based probability theory, PTp, a default
assumption is that information is granular and is defined by what are called
generalized constraints. Special cases of generalized constraints are
veristic constraints, probabilistic constraints and possibilistic
constraints. Furthermore, a wide variety of combinations of these
constraints are allowed. In this setting, probabilistic constraints, which
are the province of standard probability theory, are a special case.
            The much more general framework of PTp is needed to deal with
perception-based information described in a natural language. This is what
my test problems are intended to demonstrate. Here is an additional example.
I am in a hotel and see a sign saying, "Checkout time is 1 pm." What does it
mean? It is not possible to come up with a realistic answer to this question
if you choose to stay within the conceptual structure of PT.
            Viewed in a historical perspective, it is amazing that the issue
of partiality of truth-in the context of probability theory-has not been
raised-at least to my knowledge-long before. What we see is that, in large
measure, practitioners of probability theory are satisfied with the status
quo. But we have to remember that scientific progress is driven by a
questioning of dogmas, traditions and conventional wisdom.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
<!--[endif]-->                        Regards to all,
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
<!--[endif]-->                                    Lotfi
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->
<!--[endif]-->P.S.  Personal note. Sometimes I get the impression that some
participants in our discussions view me as an opponent of probability
>theory. In reality, probability theory has always played, and is continuing
to play, a major role in my work. My first published paper was entitled,
"Probability Criterion for the Design of Servomechanisms." (Journal of
Applied Physics, 1949.) A paper published a year later was entitled, "An
Extension of Wiener's Theory of Prediction," Journal of Applied Physics,
1950. Many others followed. A recent paper is, "Toward a Perception-Based
Theory of Probabilistic Reasoning with Imprecise Probabilities," (Journal of
Statistical Planning and Inference, 2002.) A note scheduled for publication
in the Journal of the American Statistical Association is entitled,
"Probability Theory and Fuzzy Logic-A Radical View."
            In summary, I am not an opponent of probability theory, nor do I
view fuzzy logic as an alternative to probability theory. What I do see-and
what is unrecognized and denied-is that standard probability theory, PT, has
fundamental limitations which are rooted in the failure of PT to address the
issues of partiality of truth and partiality of possibility. These
limitations can be removed by generalization of PT, leading to
perception-based probability theory, PTp.
            A realm in which partiality of truth is ubiquitous-and yet not a
center of attention-is that of law and legal reasoning. Do any approaches to
formalization of legal reasoning address the issue of partiality of truth?

- - --
Lotfi A. Zadeh
Professor in the Graduate School, Computer Science Division
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720 -1776
Director, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC)
Tel.(office): (510) 642-4959
Fax (office): (510) 642-1712

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