CALL FOR SITE PROPOSALS

The 19th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT) will be held in
2006.  The purpose of this call is to invite groups interested in
organizing the conference to submit proposals.  The location of the
conference will be decided by the Board of Directors of the
Association for Computational Learning.

At this stage, prospective organizers of COLT 2006 are asked to submit
a short expression of interest.  The expression of interest should
briefly address the following points:
 - the main people in the organization
 - location, venue (or potential venues)
 - time of the conference
 - plans for co-location with other conferences (if any)
The Board may ask for additional information before making its final
decision.  If the plan involves co-location, the Board will coordinate
its decision with the other conferences.

The expressions of interest must be received by November 30, 2004.

Since COLT 2005 will be held in Italy, locations in North America will
be favored for COLT 2006.  Traditionally COLT has been held between
early July and late August, with the earlier times more common, but
deviations can be considered in particular for allowing co-location
with other conferences.

The expressions of interest, and any inquiries, should be sent to
the president of the Association for Computational Learning, Jyrki

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