Postdoctoral Research Positions
Machine Learning
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
University College London, UK

The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit invites applications for
postdoctoral research positions in machine learning and related areas.
The Unit is especially keen to recruit researchers with expertise in
graphical models, Bayesian statistics, kernel methods, non-parametric
methods, semi-supervised learning, reinforcement learning, game theory
or machine learning applied to bioinformatics.

The Gatsby Unit is a world-class centre for theoretical neuroscience
and machine learning, focusing on unsupervised learning, Bayesian
statistics, reinforcement learning, interpretation of neural data,
population coding, perceptual processing and neural dynamics.

For further details of our research please see:

The Unit provides a unique environment in which a critical mass of
theoreticians interact closely with each other and with other
world-class research groups in related departments at University
College London, including Anatomy, Computer Science, Functional
Imaging, Physics, Physiology, Psychology, Neurology, Ophthalmology,
and Statistics.  The Unit's visitor and seminar programmes enable
staff and students to engage with leading researchers from across the

Candidates must have a strong analytical background and experience in
statistical machine learning.

Salaries are competitive, based on experience and
achievement. Part-time appointments will be considered. Appointments
are typically offered for two years in the first instance.

Applicants should send in pdf, plain text or Word format a CV, a
statement of research interests, and the names and full contact
details (including e-mail addresses) of three referees to:

Applicants are directed to further particulars about the positions
available from:

While e-mail is preferred, candidates may also submit applications in
hardcopy to the following address:

Unit Administrator, 
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, 
University College London, 
Alexandra House, 
17 Queen Square, 
London WC1N 3AR, UK

The closing date for applications is 5 December 2004.

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