
 --    Announcing CompLife '05   (http://www.complife.org)   --


 The 1st International Symposium on Computational Life Science  to be held
in Konstanz, Germany on September 25 - 27, 2005



 Topics of Interest


 The focus of the symposium is computational methods for the  modelling,
analysis and exploration of all aspects of life  sciences, ranging from
effects on the molecular level to  complex interactions networks. 


 Submissions are sought in (but not limited to) the following



 Molecular data analysis

 Systems biology

 Analysis of heterogenous information sources  Human Computer Interaction
Computational proteomics  Integrative data analysis  Data mining  Molecular
simulation  Biological networks  Molecular informatics  Data pipelining
Data visualization  Large scale chemical computation  Data
integration/semantics  Grid/web services  Computer architectures in life


 This year's theme is "Crossing borders: computational life  science", we
therefore especially welcome submissions that  address the potential of
interdisciplinary work or successes  of such collaborations.




 Important Dates


 May 15       Papers due 

 June 27      Notification of acceptance

 July 11      final papers and sources due 

 Sept 25-27   CompLife '05 


 Final versions of accepted papers will appear in Springer's  Lecture Notes
in Bioinformatics (LNBI) Series 


 For further information and submission instructions, please  refer to the
symposia's website:  http://www.complife.org


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