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StrucK-09: The IJCAI-09 Workshop on Learning Structural Knowledge from Observations
    Pasadena, California, USA,  July 12, 2009,

to be held in conjunction with the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-09)

*****  Paper Submission Deadline: March 6, 2009 *****


Human cognition organizes knowledge in different complexity levels: higher-level knowledge is formed by first acquiring simple concepts, which are then combined to learn complex ones. As a result, many cognitive architectures use structural models to represent relations between knowledge of different complexity. Structural modeling has led to a number of representation and reasoning formalisms including frames, schemas, abstractions, hierarchical task networks (HTNs), and goal graphs among others. These formalisms have in common the use of certain kinds of constructs (e.g., objects, goals, skills, and tasks) that represent knowledge of varying degrees of
complexity and that are connected through structural relations.

In recent years, we have observed increasing interest towards the problem of learning such structural knowledge from observations. These observations range from traces generated by an automated planner to video feeds from a robot performing some actions. Researchers have been addressing instances of this problem from different perspectives in a variety of research communities, among others including

    -- Machine Learning (including inductive logic programming (ILP))
    -- Automated Planning
    -- Case-Based Reasoning
    -- Cognitive Science

We believe that the time is ripe to get together researchers from these and other communities that are looking into instances of this problem and share ideas and perspectives in a common forum. Potential focus topics include but
are not limited to:

- Cognitive architectures and learning techniques such as ILP, explanation-based learning (EBL), abstraction,
  generalization, and teleoreactive logic programs
- Formalisms for goal-directed behavior, including hierarchical task networks, skill hierarchies, goal networks,
  and annotated goal hierarchies
- Learning behavior from observations over time
- Observations ranging from fully to partially observable inputs and from annotated to un-annotated action traces
- Trade-offs between task performance and structural learning
- Learning meta-level knowledge (i.e., how to choose among different reasoning/problem-solving functionalities,
  how to manage the trade-offs between task performance and learning)
- Probabilistic and other extensions to structural knowledge to represent uncertainty
- Representing and learning continuous information
- Interacting with the external environment during structural learning (i.e., information-gathering, execution, etc)
- Learning structural information/data flow from observations


Paper Submission: **** March 6, 2009 *****
Notifications of Acceptance/Rejection: April 17, 2009
Camera-Ready Papers: May 8, 2009
Announcement of the Workshop Program: May 22, 2009
Workshop Date: July 12, 2009


Paper submissions must be formatted in IJCAI style (see: http://ijcai-09.org/fcfp.html for instructions and to download file templates). We solicit paper ranging from 2 pages (extended abstracts) to 6 pages (full papers).

The submissions will be on the EasyChair Conference Management System (http://www.easychair.org/ ). You may access the workshop site at EasyChair by first logging onto EasyChair at the following URL:


You must click on the "StrucK-09" link that will appear when you logged in. If you do not have an EasyChair
username and  password, then you may get one at the following URL:


If you experience any problems with logging in and using EasyChair paper submissions, please let us know at


The workshop will interleave short presentations, a poster session, two or more discussion groups, and a joint open discussion session. All accepted papers will be asked to present a poster; selected participants will be invited
to give 15 minute overviews unless they express a preference not to.

The workshop is aimed to identifying and discussing specific questions that are still open and/or that are still prone to further understanding and research in order to develop efficient and intelligent systems. To achieve this objective, we plan organize break-out working groups during the course of the workshop. Each break-out group will focus on one specific topic in Learning Structural Knowledge from Observations. The participants of each group will be identified from on the workshop participants and their interests/willingness. Similarly, the final set of questions will be determined based on the accepted papers and abstracts and the audience of the workshop.

Please see the workshop Web site (http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/ukuter/struck09/ ) for the announcements and updates on the workshop program. A tentative program template is available at the above address.


- Ralph Bergmann (University of Trier, Germany)
- Daniel Borrajo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)
- Adi Botea (NICTA, Australia)
- Mark Burstein (BBN Technologies, USA)
- Maria Fox (University of Strathclyde, UK)
- Tolga Konik (ISLE, Stanford University, USA)
- Ugur Kuter (University of Maryland, College Park, USA)
- John Levine (University of Strathclyde, UK)
- Clayton T. Morrison (University of Arizona, USA)
- Hector Munoz-Avila (Lehigh University, USA)
- Karen Myers (SRI International, USA)
- Tim Oates (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA)
- Enric Plaza (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Spain)
- Manuela M. Veloso (Carnegie-Mellon University, USA)
- Fusun Yaman (BBN Technologies, USA)
- Qiang Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)


Ugur Kuter (University of Maryland, College Park, USA)
Hector Munoz-Avila (Lehigh University, USA)

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Dr. Ugur Kuter
Assistant Research Scientist
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
University of Maryland, College Park
Maryland 20742 USA
phone: +1 (301) 405-5933, fax: +1 (301) 405-6707

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