Call for participation / Call for Posters (apologies for multiple postings) 

the 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development 
and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2018 will be held in Tokyo at Waseda 

Conference: September 16th – 20th, 2018 
Early-registration period: September 2nd, 2018 

Keynote Speakers announced 

Prof. Oliver Brock (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany) 
Title: Proposals for a Developmental AI 

Prof. Kenji Doya (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) 
Title: What can we learn from the brain for AI 

Prof. Peter Marshall (Temple University, U.S.A.) 
Title: Embodiment and Human Development 

Mr. Masahiro Fujita (Sony, Japan) 
Title: AIxRobotics in Sony 


to be announced soon 

CFP Call for Papers/Posters: Workshop on Language Learning@ICDL 

Workshops will be held Monday, September 17th, 2018 

Title: Understanding Developmental Disorders: From Computational Models to 
Assistive Technology 
Organizers: Anja Kristina Philippsen*, Yukie Nagai 

Aim and scope 

The mechanisms of cognitive and developmental processes in humans are still far 
from being understood. It remains a mystery how our brain is capable of 
integrating high-dimensional sensory information from various sources in order 
to act and interact in a highly volatile environment. The amount of processing 
that our brain performs on an unconscious level becomes especially noticeable 
if the development of these mechanisms is atypical. Subjects with developmental 
disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience various 
difficulties in everyday life, particularly in social interactions. The causes 
are assumed to lie with atypical perception as well as differences in cognitive 
processing during the course of development. 

In order to provide assistance for people with developmental disorders, it is 
crucial to understand more about the underlying mechanisms of cognitive and 
social development. In recent years, a number of novel approaches emerged for 
explaining differences in cognitive processes, for instance, in terms of 
Bayesian inference. By replicating autistic behavior in computational models or 
robots, or by studying the interaction patterns of children with ASD in 
interaction with a robot, possible mechanisms of cognitive development can be 
identified and systematically evaluated. The understanding we can gain from 
such experiments can help to overcome difficulties in communication between 
people with and without such disorders. 

Another pathway for providing assistance for people with developmental 
disorders targets at developing assistive technology directed specifically 
toward ASD subjects, offering them assistance in understanding and 
participating in social interactions, or allowing them to train and explore 
interaction skills in therapy with a robot. 

This workshop focuses on these two ways of how to assist people with 
developmental disorders, and discusses what we can learn from these studies 
about cognitive development in general. To connect and reflect these ideas, 
insights from developmental psychology, cognitive sciences, robotics and 
computational modeling are taken into account, as well as the perspective of 
people with ASD themselves (“Tojisha-Kenkyu”). 

We invite the submission of 2-page paper abstracts which will be presented 
during the poster session. 

Submission opens in mid-June 2018. 

Title: Active vision, Attention, and Learning 
Organizers: Chen Yu*, David Crandall 

Title: Continual Unsupervised Sensorimotor Learning 
Organizers: Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero*, Sao Mai Nguyen, Erhan Oztop, Junpei 

Aim and Scope 

As the algorithms for learning single tasks in restricted environments are 
improving, new challenges have gained relevance. They include multi-task 
learning, multimodal sensorimotor learning and lifelong adaptation to injury, 
growth and ageing. 

In this workshop we will discuss the developmental processes involved in the 
emergence of representations of action and perception in humans and artificial 
agents in continual learning. These processes include action-perception cycle, 
active perception, continual sensory-motor learning, environmental-driven 
scaffolding, and intrinsic motivation. 

The discussion will be strongly motivated by behavioural and neural data. We 
hope to provide a discussion friendly environment to connect with research with 
similar interest regardless of their area of expertise which could include 
robotics, computer science, psychology, neuroscience, etc. We would also like 
to devise a roadmap or strategies to develop mathematical and computational 
models to improve robot performance and/or to attempt to unveil the underlying 
mechanisms that lead to continual adaptation to changing environment or 
embodiment and continual learning in open-ended environments. 

Short paper (max 4 pages) 
Paper submission deadline: 29th July 2018 

=== Commitee === 

Tetsuya Ogata (Waseda University, Japan) 

Angelo Cangelosi (Plymouth University, UK) 

Tadahiro Taniguchi (Ritsumeikan University, Japan) 

Emre Ugur (Bogazici University, Turkey) 

Junko Kanero (Koç University, Turkey) 

Erhan Oztop (Özyeğin University, Turkey) 

Minoru Asada (Osaka University, Japan) 

Giulio Sandini (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy) 

Alessandra Sciutti (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy) 

Philippe Gaussier (University of Cergy-Pontoise, France) 

Hiroki Mori (Waseda University, Japan) 

Alexandre Pitti (University of Cergy-Pontoise, France) 

Umay Suanda (University of Connecticut, USA) 

Shingo Shimoda (Riken, Brain Science Institute, Japan) 

Tetsunari Inamura (NII, Japan) 

Hiromi Mochiyama (Tsukuba University, Japan) 

Takato Horii (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan) 

Shingo Murata (Waseda University, Japan) 

=== Contacts === 
Alex Pitti: 
Hiroki Mori: 
Umay Suanda: 


the publicity chair, 

Alex Pitti, Hiroki Mori and Umay Suanda 
uai mailing list

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