I'm not a linguist. The following is based on my "experience". Thanks.
Ramki --------- Those who speak Sanskrit-based languages use "t" for those words for which we (Tamils) use "th". Ex. Thiruppur is written by the Hindian govt as Tirupur. Hence, this is the official spelling, I guess. Many, incl. The Hindu, use this spelling. Malayalees seem to be less shackled than we are. They spell Thiruvananthapuram, not Tiruvanantapurm (or Trivandrum, the Anglicized way). We should be following them, I feel. As for the Tamil long vowels, I follow the convention of using capital letters. (I don't know who originated this convention; not me, of course!) Ex. தகடூர் would be thagadUr. It may make some sense for Hindians to use tagadoor (or tagadUr) since they have four sounds: t, d, th, dh (similarly k, g, kh, gh). But, in Tamil we don't have the nasal sounds and only have t, d. So, I think it is better to use thagadUr or thagadoor. --------- -- Ubuntu-l10n-tam mailing list Ubuntu-l10n-tam@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-tam