Hi, Date: 16 July 2016 Time: 11:00 am - 1:30 Pm Place: Cyber Jaya, Malaysia Head Counts: 11 Purpose of the Meet: To Bring More Volunteers for Tamil L10n Efforts Organizers: ThamiZha! <http://thamizha.org/> && INFITT Malaysia Chapter <http://infittmalaysia.org>
Participants from various cities(Port Diction, Petalying Jaya, Penang, Cyber Jaya & KL) turned to meetup. This is 2nd Meetup in Malaysia. 1. Mr. Elantamil started his speech about INFITT Malaysia and its involvement in Tamil Computing. 2. Mr. Ve. Elanjelian started talking about Libreoffice-Help L10n in Tamil and given brief demo and asked them to create pootle account at https://translations.documentfoundation.org/ta/ and they started giving contributions. 3. Myself(Arun Kumar) talked about Ubuntu and Mozilla Projects l10n in Tamil(ta). Given demo about how to create a count in translations.launchpad.net for Ubuntu& http://mozilla.locamotion.org/ta/ for Mozilla. Arranged banana leaf lunch for all the participants at the end of meeting. We will continue to have this kind of meetings in every month and keep you posted(Yet to write blog about these meetups and outcomes.). Thanks & Regards Arun ஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃ அன்புடன் அருண் நுட்பம் நம்மொழியில் தழைக்கச் செய்வோம் http://thangamaniarun.wordpress.com ஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃஃ
-- Ubuntu-l10n-tam mailing list Ubuntu-l10n-tam@lists.ubuntu.com https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-tam