Am Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2007 21:27 schrieb Soren Hansen:
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 01:16:24PM +0100, Roman Müllenschläder wrote:
> > As ZhengPeng Hou does not react anymore, I do need a new sponsor
> > helping out in packaging MMS ... is one willing to do that?
> I just gave it a try, and it seems simple enough. I just need to make
> the install scripts create a separate user for it. Give me another day
> or so.

Hi Soren,

Did you try the deb or sources I created and which can be found on ?
Why simple enough?

We just need to create some separate packages ... I could imagine 
building 'mms-common' and some 'mms-desired-output' as MMS is able to deal 
with various outputs (f.i. SDL, DXR3, FF-DVB).

And why do we need a separate user? It won't run as daemon so it should be 
fine running without creating a user ... !?

Could you tell me about the needed steps to get it into debian/buntu?

It by far seems to be a problem on this list to deal with transparency,  
particiption and cooperation ... or is that just my feeling?


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